Chapter 23 - Lay with Me

Start from the beginning

No, if he wanted her here, he wouldn't be singing.

Gwyn took a deep breath through her nose, staring at the door knob as though it were an old foe. She focused in on his voice.

Gwyn had been wrong. The song he was singing wasn't sad. She recognized it as the tavern tune, Hello, Running Waters. A simple song about a town drought where all the citizens could drink for a month was ale. It only sounded sad because... because he sounded sad.

Perhaps the best course of action would be to return at another time. To politely ask him tomorrow how his night had been and see if he needed a willing ear. Those were the sensible options.

But gods was sensibility overrated and sweet fuck, did he sound miserable.

It couldn't stand.

Gwyn opened the door gently and slipped inside, shutting it quietly behind her. She could still make out the somber drinking song in the darkness, but found herself confused as that darkness only became darker... and darker... and darker still.

Then she was standing before a floor to ceiling, undulating, wall of shadows. Just on the other side she could hear him. His voice, even so somber, sounded like something out of a fairy tale. It was deep and steady, but so very tender and fragile. It reminded her of velvet. Beautiful, black velvet.

Maybe this wall of shadow should have frightened her. Maybe it was why he'd refused to sing for her time and time again. Ultimately, it didn't matter. Because he was sad and he was alone and that was not right.

So Gwyn plunged through the wall, and it felt exactly like she thought it might. Like walking under a waterfall of silk.

And behind the waterfall was just a boy and a bed.

Azriel, clad in only his trousers, was sitting on his knees, head bowed, and palms braced on his thighs. His voice rang out much louder than when Gwyn had been on the other side of the silken waterfall.

She glanced around her in wonder. It was truly like they were in another room. The ceiling, the walls, the floors, all of them were shining and black. Like a starless sea. Gwyn knelt and let her fingers trail along the ground. The glimmering darkness rippled beneath her fingers. This was all so...


The ebony sea dried up, the soothing baritone was cut short, pale moonlight and dull reality gobbled up the room. Gone was the glimmering abyss of night and in its place a guest room with a shadowsinger seated on the bed.

"Gwyn?" Azriel croaked.

Gwyn stood, brushing off the knees of her leggings. "None other."

"Gwyn, what... what in the hell are you doing here?" His voice wasn't angry, but he sounded thoroughly bewildered. A shadow, now perched on Azriel's shoulder, nipped at his neck. His brows drew together. "They fetched you?"

The disapproval in his tone made her laugh just barely. "Don't be too hard on them. I was coming to find you anyway..." Gwyn trailed off as she caught sight of the shadowsinger's red rimmed eyes. The tracks of tears lining the sharp angles of his face. The way his chest was shuddering. Gwyn's talent had never been tact, so she simply asked. "Did you have a nightmare?"

Azriel froze for a moment, and they were both holding their breath. Then he rocked back off of his knees to sit cross-legged on the bed, exhaling heavily. "I'm sorry you had to witness that."

Gwyn grinned sheepishly and sat herself on the edge of his mattress. "Mother save me, I've just witnessed the greatest atrocity to the fae. An Illyrian male crying!"

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