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Eddie had woken up an hour ago. He'd gotten changed and eaten breakfast. Now he sat on his bed legs crossed worrying.

He had played it over a million times in his head. He wanted to hang out with the losers but he wasn't allowed out. Eddie had decided he was going to sneak out.

No. No. This was a terrible idea. It was going to end badly. His mother would get made and be even stricter than before.

Eddie sighed, he hated this.

"Fine, I'll just do it, come on Eddie it's not that hard." Eddie mumbled to himself as he paced his room.

Eddie felt way better now. He had almost forgotten all about his dizzy spell. But then Sonia made sure he remembered.

She had come into the kitchen when he was eating his breakfast and ordered him around. Telling him to go rest, to take his meds, to stay inside.

It was like she was punishing him for it.

"Okay, calm down Eddie you can do this." Eddie whispered to himself.

He took a deep breath and opened his door. He walked down to the hall and poked his head around the wall to the lounge room.

He spotted Sonia laying on the couch. She had her eyes closed, good hopefully she was asleep.

"M-mommy?" He half whispered.

She moaned and didn't respond. Good she was asleep.

Eddie raced back up the stairs and into his bedroom. He opened up his window and looked down at the tree just next to it.

He stepped over the window with one foot and then the other. He carefully shut the window back up.

"Shit." Eddie cursed as he wobbled.

He grabbed onto the tree and made his way down.

Eddie heaved a sigh of relief when he felt the ground beneath his feet.

Now this was the tricky part, he had to get his bike from the garage without Sonia hearing him.

He walked over to the garage and slowly pulled up the roller door.

"Fuck, oh shit." He swore when the roller got stuck and he had to give it a good yank.

Finally he had the door up and ran inside to get his bike.

Eddie managed to push his bike out onto the pavement without his mother hearing.

Eddie hopped on and peddled down the street.

He was going to be in deep shit when he got home. It was only a matter of time before Sonia found out he wasn't in his room.

But for now he was alright.

10 minutes later Eddie pulled up at Richies house. He left his bike sitting on the driveway and walked up to his door.

Eddie knocked on the door and waited. He heard footsteps and someone came to answer the door.

"Hello." Richies father Wentworth stood at the door. He was wearing a suit and had a big smile planted upon his face.

"Hi, um is Richie home?" Eddie asked.

"Oh yeah, he's in his room, RICHIE!" Wentworth called behind his shoulder.

Eddie heard footsteps running down the stairs and then Richie came around the corner.

"Eds!" Richie said running through the doorway and hugging him.

Eddie was almost taken aback when he wrapped his arms around him.

"Hi Rich." Eddie laughed, hugging the boy back and then pulling away.

"Hey Rich, I've gotta head to work now, have a good day son." Wentworth said patting Richie on the back and walking out the door.

"Bye Dad, have a good day too!" Richie called as his dad got into his car.

Eddie watched as Richies dad drove off.

"Oh my god Eds! You okay?" Richie asked looking him up and down.

"Don't call me Eds and yes I'm fine." Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Okay Eds." Richie smirked.

Eddie walked over to his bike.

"Where are you going you only just got here?" Richie asked, "Or are you just that sick of me?"

"I'm always sick of you doofus. Come on, go get your bike." Eddie said hopping onto his own bike.

Richie laughed and went back inside. About a minute later he pushed his bike out through the front door.

"Seriously, you couldn't have opened the garage door?" Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Who are you my mom?" Richie said hopping onto his bike.

Eddie rolled his eyes as Richie went on about some random shit.

"Would you just shut up Richie." Eddie laughed.

"Only for you Eds." Richie smiled.

The two boys hopped on their bikes and went to go get the other losers. On the way Eddie explained everything that had happened with his mom and how much trouble he'd be in. And Richie filled him in on how worried him and the others had been.

They rounded up all the other losers and decided to sit at the park for a bit.

"You okay now Eddie?" Mike asked the small boy.

"Yeah I'm fine now." Eddie said.

"I'm bored let's go do something fun!" Richie complained.

"Shut up Richie." Stan rolled his eyes.

"H-hey why d-don't we go do s-something?" Bill said.

"Oh, yeah okay!" Stan flushed.

Eddie tried to hide his laugh. Stan gave him an elbow to the ribs.

"What shall we do then?" Bev asked glancing around at everyone.

"I don't know but not something boring." Richie sighed.

"Yeah? Well playing arcade games sound pretty boring to me Richie." Eddie looked at the boy.

"It's not boring Eds! You know whats boring-"

"Can you two stop flirting and let's decide what we are going to do!" Bev interrupted our argument.

Eddie tried to hide the blush that had spreed across his cheeks. But Stan had seen it and gave him a smirk.

Richie looked annoyed but Eddie swore he saw him smile.

"How about we go to the Quarry?" Ben suggested.

"Yeah?" Bev asked looking at them all.

"Yeah!" The all said.

They all got up from their sports on the bench and the grass and steered their bikes to the path.

"Let's go! Whoooo!" Richie yelled hopping onto his bike and leading them to the Quarry.

Eddie smiled and rode up to Richie. Stan rode next to Bill and Bev and Mike waited for Ben to catch up to the others.

Together they all made their way to the Quarry. They rode against the summer breeze and everything was fine in these moments.

Eddie finally felt happy, but then again he was always the most happiest when he was with his friends.

I know this chapter is really boring it's just sort of to fill in. I hope you enjoyed it anyway. <3

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