HEADCANONS| How they found you

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-He was on his usual killing spree.

-"Usual" until he saw a tiny being (you) following him like a lost puppy.

-Hank took a moment to look around to who could this child belong to.

-He placed you on one corner outside the building, and with the blood of his victims wrote: "Is this your kid?→" pointing to you.

-Ignores the child on his way back to Headquarters.

-Said to himself that he doesn't care about you and that you'd be just another mouth to feed.

-Proceeds to kill the Zeds coming towards you and observes from a distance waiting for someone to get you.

-No one gets you.

 -You just followed him again.

-He decided to let you be and it will be a hassle to try to get rid of you.

-Hank was lost in his thoughts until he felt a tiny hand hold his own.

-They were on a mission.

-Raiding, looting, eliminating an agency building.

-Said building was used for cloning.

-All the other clones came out normal in their tubes. Then there's you. Who came out underdeveloped and, has the physique and mind of a 4-year-old.

-The clones were immediately sent out to fight upon the duo's entrance into the room. As fast as they were sent out, that's how fast they died too.

-In the sea of bodies, in the very corner, your smol figure stands.

-You were still getting out of your tube btw, so you didn't really see any carnage. (I ain't gonna traumatize a child this early).

-As soon as you get out of your tube, the duo stood before you, contemplating what to do with you.

-Also they were standing that close to you to prevent you from seeing the mess. (Aww how sweet to protect your innocence.)

-"Kid what's your name?" Sanford kneels down to your level.


-You can't talk yet. You're underdeveloped.

-They both decide to take you in. You're just a kid after all. No harm taking you in.

-Plus Deimos can't imagine what the Agency will do to you. (With him being an ex-member of the agency)

-Deimos, being the one with less blood on his clothes carried you (And covered your eyes, In no way you are seeing gore at this age) back to their truck. While Sanford continues the mission.

-After leaving you in the truck, Deimos went back to help Sanford but he heard a sad whine from you.

-"We'll be back kid, Just stay here"

-He pats your head.

-He was staring into his monitors, doing his job as always. Until...

-His Agents came into his office.

-"Sir, we have a failed clone, what will we do?"

-"Take it out like usual"

-"I'm afraid this is a special case"

-Failed clone huh? He expected to see an abomination when he turns his chair but Nah. Nop. Iz a child.

-For a  moment he just stares and you stare back at him.

-"Leave it here, I'll figure it out"

-It is only logical that he takes you out, but he can't bring himself to do it. Why?

-"Papa?" You point at him. That's the only word you know how to say

-What could this tiny being possibly do for him?

-His tablet notified movement around his base.

-He is certain that he didn't order any packages.

-Pissed off and silently complaining he stealthily looked around his base.

-Where the hell is the intruder? Oh- wait there it is!

-A smol child wandering around his base. With messy hair, filth, and tattered clothes.

-He looks around once more to make sure you weren't bait to get him out in the open.

-He casually approaches the child.

-"Why are you here?"

-Once again, you can't talk yet.

-He already looked around his base, so it's already certain that whoever owns you is not here.

-"Follow me".Doesn't hold your hand and gestures you to follow him.

-He took a pic of you and posted online of this missing child he found.

-Doc decided to take care of you until your parents or someone comes to claim you.

-He planned to not get attached.

-Well that's what he thought.

-He would find you in the same corner of an abandoned neighborhood every day.

-He made it a habit to visit you to show some tricks and entertain you every now and then.

-Tricky's heart just melts whenever you laugh or smile because of him.


-Took him a while to realize that you're on your own.

-Tricky held your hand and both of you walked around the neighborhood looking for your parents.

-As expected, that failed.

-Guess you'll be with him from now on.


-You had a happy reaction when he said that.

-In the vast Nevadean desert he was flying to an Agency Base which he has planned to eliminate.

-But, that will be for another day for he has stopped in his tracks when Jebus saw you wandering on your own.

-"Child where are your parents?"

-Once again, no answer. Can't talk.

-Same thing as Tricky, he held your hand and looked for your parents. But this time, Jeb asks some grunts he passes by if they recognize you or know your parents.

-All that walking made you tired, and you open your arms to him asking for a carry.

-And surprisingly he does carry you. Cradling you in his arms.

-So everyone be finding you. But him? Nah. He created you.

-The researchers/scientists were concerned about creating you. Not because of what you can do, but because of Phobos.

-You were a footstep on his pathway on becoming a God. An experiment

-To make sure that this experiment does not go wrong (like project Gestalt), the researchers convinced him that it would start off as a child so that it won't pose any threat.

-Skip forward to your birth? (or creation). You went outside your chamber. Fog exiting with you.

-Phobos approached you, knelt down with open arms.

-"Greet your Father, my little Godling".

-You are his greatest project.

-"Project" is what he intended to see you as. But soon that will change.

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