However, through his musing, Sirius was sure that for just a second, the Professor's eyes had rested on Alice Bones and Frank Longbottom. The look was so brief that he might well have imagined it, but whenever he replayed the scene in his head, he saw his teacher looking sadly at Frank and Alice, as though he knew that their innocence, as he had previously mentioned, would be lost, and lost forever.

The Professor's voice became superficially brisk as he said, "Does anyone know the final Unforgivable?"

Lily Evans raised her hand, which, very close up, Alice could see was trembling.

"Avada Kedavra," she whispered, her eyes wide with fear.

Harry looked at her piercingly before continuing. "That's right, Avada Kevadra. The Killing Curse."

A murmur went through the class. The Professor's eyes bored into each and every sudent.

"I'm assuming you all know what the curse entails?"

A nod of assent answered his question. In an expressionless voice, he said

"And I suppose you're all more interested in finding out how I survived it?" Another nod.

Harry heaved a heavy sigh.

"I suppose I'll have to tell you, then."


"What I am about to tell you is in strict confidence. I believe you all to be trustworthy, but if I am proven wrong, then you will have to duel Ginny and myself at the same time for three hours."

The class gulped. Ginny gave them a sweet smile. Harry grinned at her, but the smile vanished as he looked around the class, making eye contact with each and every student. A few broke the gaze, but the Marauders and Lily and her friends stared back. The Professor started speaking, his voice low and intense.

"When I was one year old, Voldemort came to my home with the intention of killing me, for reasons I am unable to share with you. He murdered my father as he tried to protect me and my mother. He died bravely, trying to hold him off. He then proceeded into my nursery, where my mother stood to protect me. He ordered her to stand aside, and she defied him. She was my shield, and he murdered her."

His voice cracked slightly on the word 'murdered', and he paused, and passing a hand briefly over his eyes. Ginny stood up, and placed one hand on his shoulder. He took a deep breath, and continued.

"The shield that saved me from his killing curse was wrought of a mother's love. This is the most ancient kind of magic possible, where she laid down her life protect me. I was unaffected by the curse, save this scar."

He pushed back his fringe to reveal the bolt on his forehead.

Sirius knew that this time he wasn't imagining it, his teachers eyes were definately lingering on Lily Evans, as they had on Frank and Alice when he'd spoke about the Cruciatus curse.

"Because of that curse, I retained some of Voldemort's powers, such as my ability to speak Parseltongue."

The few who had not heard of this already gasped, and Harry gave a faint smile.

"Oh yes, meet my companion, Ciad."

The emerald snake slithered up from inside the sleeve of his robes and gave a soft hiss. Harry seemed to find this funny, and hissed in agreement, earning a few more gasps. Alice raised a trembling hand.

"What did he say, sir?"

"She. She said that you where all gawping like a bunch of gormless idiots, and I was inclined to agree with her. Close your mouth please, Mr Black."

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