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Luffy frowned as she walked through the thick jungle.

She had been walking around the forest for an hour, and she needed something to eat. Even though she already had a snack earlier.

"Stupid Jiji, why did he have to leave me in this Forest for 3 months? I'm tired of getting attacked when have to eat every 10 minutes!" She grumbled to herself.

Then, she spotted something up on a dense hill.

Curious, Luffy found herself at a beautiful white and gold temple surrounded by roses and a crystal clear moat.

She walked into the temple, and she saw different kinds of jewels, fruit, and such laid around the room. But it something on a pedestal that caught her attention.

It was a strange looking fruit in different shades of pink. It's stem was curled into a heart.

Luffy's stomach growled, and she found herself tempted to eat it. So she took it into her hands and took a big bite of the fruit.

She just didn't expect the sickly sweet and sour taste that came after.

"Ugh! How can a fruit taste like this? But it's bad to waste food, so I'll eat it all."

So Luffy muscled her way to eat the fruit carefully.

After that, Luffy walked out of the temple to see a large tiger that w looked hungry as well, but just as he was about to pounce on the girl, he stopped.

Luffy was confused on how the animal stopped attacking her, but at least she wouldn't be dinner.

"Nice kitty." Luffy said as she pet him, and the tiger became putty in her hands.

"Do you know where I can find food?" Luffy asked as the tiger let her ride his back.
When Luffy fell asleep something strange happened, she was in a strange place that looked like it was made for royalty.

It looked to be some kind of chamber room laden with white silk and golden sheets around. She smelled sweet perfumes of incense, delicious food, and her ears picked up the sound of exotic music.

All around her were various types of fairies, and other beautiful beings from the whitest horse to the most graceful swan. They were either talking, grooming one another other, sleeping or looking at her in curiosity.

Before Luffy was a magnificent throne and on it was a person a remarkably beautiful woman.

"Hello, my child. Welcome to my abode. I am Aphrodite, the goddess of Love and Beauty."

"A goddess?"

"Yes, child." Then Aphrodite gave a 'come here' motion. " come closer and let me have a look at you."

Luffy felt complied for some reason and stood before the woman. Aphrodite knelt to her height taking a good look at her. 'A little thin on the side, definitely young, but she has room for improvement. As innocent as a white rosebud too. Yes, this is good.' Aphrodite thought.

"Luffy-chan, the fruit you ate earlier was a devils fruit, based on my form and powers." She said.

"Does this mean I'm a Aphrodite too?" Luffy asked innocently.

"You could say that. You're a mythical zoan considering my powers. Meaning you can use my powers too."

"Yes, in fact, I can teach you. But that depends on time. You have a grandfather coming back to get you right?"

" He said he would be back in 3 months."

"Well, I can use the time-space in this temple to give us more time to train. I'll teach you the basics of powers and what you can do. Now, you need food and rest my dear." Aphrodite said as she snapped her fingers.

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