Jon Snow x Reader ~ green grassy monster pt.1

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The reader is Theon's other sister and came to Winterfell with him. Ok so I don't really know where I'm going with this but with backup from books and tv series, this is a one-shot with the reader from just before the book started with Ned executing Gared. Enjoy.

y/n POV
I ran. I ran and I ran and I ran. He was after me. I couldn't stop if I did the worst would happen. So I kept running. I weaved in and out the trees and onto a hillside. My bare feet became soaked by the fresh grass. The summer sun was peering through the clouds of the early morning, but I couldn't stop to admire it I had to keep on going. I ran up the hill and behind a tree hoping they couldn't find me. I looked around the tree for any sign at all. They were gone. I sighed and turned back around only to be pinned to the tree.

"Got you Greyjoy, you need to learn to run faster next time."

"Fuck you, Jon Snow!" I said trying to struggle out of his grasp.

"No no no you lost you have to pay up missy." He was close to me, I could feel his breath fanning my face. I shoved past him.

"You cheated."

"How did I cheat then?" He said as he followed in the path I walked.

"I don't know but you did I'll get Arya to prove it."

"Pay up," he said smugly.

So I did. Reluctantly, I gave him 50 copper pennies and a promise to do him a favour when he needs.


We made it back to the gates of Winterfell just in time for Sansa to spot us and come running over saying how Catelyn was coming and we needed to be gone before she saw the state of our clothes. I hadn't even noticed the grass stains all over my blue dress. And Jon, well he wasn't too bad just a few bits of mud on his legs. Sansa grasped my hand and lead me upstairs. I turned to give Jon a sympathetic look but he had already gone.

We continued up through the halls dodging around corners and trying to get to our rooms without being spotted. Most people see Sansa as a goody-two-shoes who runs to snitch about everything and only cared about becoming a lady, but in reality, she's better than that. She loves the occasional hiding from Catelyn, the runs around the hillsides and the secret meetings at night between all the stark kids, Jon and Theon. Tonight was one of those nights.

"You are so lucky I saw you before mother. She would've chased after you with her shoe." Said Sansa, panting slightly.

"I can't tell you how much money I'd pay to see that, Catelyn running through the mud with a shoe in her hand, screaming at me," I said chuckling slightly.

"Y/N GET BACK GERE THIS INSTANT I WON'T HAVE MY WARD LOOKING LIKE A GREEN GRASSY MONSTER WHILE YOU'RE MEANT TO BE LOOKING FOR A MAN TO MARRY!!!" Sansa said doing her best Catelyn impression. We were both in stitches at this point, sides splitting.

"It's ridiculous, first she wants to set me up with the 'lovely Jamie Lannister' then it's 'ooo how about one of Walder Frey's sons' and then it's back to 'I would have you marry Robb but he needs a Princess"

"Wait she wants you with a Frey, did she fall off her high chair and smack her head on a stone slab?! What a bitch." Sansa said.

"You'll regret calling her that, ears like an elephant, you'll be next with shoe treatment if your not careful!"

"I think father is more the elephant size if I'm honest"

"SANSA STARK!!!" The cheeky wolf.

We continued to laugh and talk all till we were called for dinner. I changed into a darker blue dress as my current still had grass stains. I walked down to dinner and-
Fuck off.

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