Chapter 73 - Daylong Date Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Yep." Lena replies, popping the p.

Kara sighs, kind of not wanting to tell Lena this story because it's embarrassing.

"Sooooo...... it was dumb..... there was this.... jock kid, Brad, at school.... and he was a bully... and an absolute jerk to a bunch of people..... I hated him..... He never bullied me.... because he knew if he did Alex would have literally torn him to pieces. But, he always made comments about how I liked food or whatever... and poked and prodded me about it... Eventually.... there was this school fair thing.... for charity.... and there was this eating contest..... I didn't enter.... because I had learnt to not raise suspicion about myself.... but Brad did. He ended up winning.... After he won he taunted me... and told me he thought I would have entered..... but then said that he guessed a little girl like me couldn't handle keeping up with him in an eating contest...... As a result I got annoyed and I said I could.... and I challenged him to a hotdog eating contest at this diner a week later. He obviously agreed..... When Alex found out she was angry that I did it.... as she thought I was going to expose myself..... and didn't like that I was in a sort of fight with Brad.... who was popular.... But Alex didn't stop me..... So the next week came by..... and Brad and I were here in this diner.... and literally 50 – 60 other people from our school came to cheer on..... The agreement was to see who could eat the most hotdogs in 10 minutes. I ended up eating 35, while Brad could only eat 18, and honestly, I could have eaten much more. After, when it was announced I won, Brad was very angry, but as soon as he stood up, his eyes went wide, and then he puked, which made everyone laugh at him.... although Mrs Showfield wasn't happy. Then later.... Alex congratulated me.... but was a bit annoyed I just didn't limit how much I won by.... but I told her I wanted to embarrass Brad.... So yeah... that's the story." Kara explains.

Lena smiles widely at Kara again.

"Well, it sounds like Brad was a jerk, and you got to show him up in front of everyone, which is great." Lena says.

"Yeah." Kara nods.

There is then a moment of silence between the two women.

"Thank you for sharing that story with me, Kara." Lena says, breaking the silence.

"You don't need to thank me." Kara says.

"I do." Lena replies, quickly, "With every story you tell me, I feel closer to you, even ones like that. I get to know you better, and it makes me so happy."

Kara smiles lovingly at Lena upon hearing that.

"I'm glad then. But what about you? I've been the one sharing most of the stories from my childhood. Have you got any you would like to share?" Kara asks.

Lena sighs, sadly.

"Honestly Kara, I didn't have a happy childhood, for obvious reasons, so there is much there that is happy or anything." Lena replies.

Kara now reaches across the table to place her hand on one of Lena's arms.

"Lena, if you are willing, I want to hear the bad stories too. But only if you want to share them." Kara says.

"Are you sure?" Lena asks.

Kara nods her head.

"I just.... don't want it to come across as if I'm moaning all the time about my childhood..... I know it wasn't great.... But I know a lot of other people had it far worse.... and didn't grow up in a rich family." Lena says.

"It won't come across as moaning Lena. Like you said, I want to know as much about you as possible, to feel closer to you, and the stories from our past, good and bad, do that." Kara replies.

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