A Life Once Lost

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            I look into his eyes, and I know I’ve actually found it. I’d found the one thing everyone yearns for, what everyone spends their life trying to find. I’ve found it and I know come morning it’s to be ripped from my grasp along with the world I’m to leave behind. Our lips meet and the world dissolves from around us, the stars the only witness of this pure bliss. A kiss that only we can share; a kiss like no other. Dying in this moment would bring me nothing but pure pleasure with a happy ending….

            “Ravelynne Ailen Catori, we ARE going back. I know it’s been 3 years, but at least you’ll get to finish off high school at home with your friends. It’s time for you to go home.” I stare at my aunt Jacilynne dumbfounded, attempting to let her words absorb. She saunters out of the room, calling over her shoulder, “We leave in 3 days.”

            I stare after her, trying to process what she’s just said. It’s taken her 3 years, 3 damned years, to decide this is what’s best for me. She’d ripped me out of my home, dragged me half way across the US, tore me away from everyone I knew, and parted me from everything I have ever known. Oh’ I know it wasn’t easy for her taking care of me when she was only 5 years older at the time, but still. She took me away from my high school, childhood home, friends, and those I considered family. I have nothing left to go back to now. I already lost that life.

            “It’s going to be my last day here, I’ll be moving again.” I tell the older woman behind the desk. Her face wrinkles more as she squints at me from behind her thick frames, “Well, I see. We’ll have to get your transcripts and class referrals all ready which should be done by the end of the day. Now go on to class before you miss anymore,” her gruff voice says as she dismisses me with a quick wave and hands me my pass to class. Well that makes one person I am not going to miss at all.

            I make it through my classes fairly easy, the perks of being unpopular meaning I’m not really noticed much anyway. Only a couple teachers wish me farewell and good luck. However, too soon, lunch comes around. I take my time reaching the cafeteria and am even slower than usual picking my way through to my usual table at the back, almost dreading having to face my friends. I find it and sit, wishing this is easier than I expect.

            Our table isn’t anywhere near popular, but we definitely aren’t the “social suicide’ table either. It’s more of an oddball group thrown together of people who didn’t feel like dealing with clichés or drama and then we ended up being a close little group. However, this means they can be a bit over the top with news. We have it all: Goths, nerds, artists, drama geeks, sporty, and a mixture of them all. Jerry, Sara, Catarina (Cat), Jen, Gina, Jaysen, Kayden, and me. Together I think we make the most awesome table, us 8. Jerry and Sara are our “drama geeks” who have been in literally every show our school has had since their freshmen year. Catarina is an insane artist who can recreate anything she’s seen or imagined, but she likes specializing in mythical things. She’s very outspoken and spirited. Jen and Gina are our ideal couple, our lesbians if you wish. They look like they could be polar opposites, yet they seem perfect together. Jen is darker looking and many tend to call her Goth or emo, as if she really cares. She has moss green eyes and midnight dark hair with an electric purple steak in it. Gina on the other hand is every guy’s blue-eyed dream girl all the way down to her blond hair and being in the gymnastics team and on cheer squad. Guys usually drool at her feet while she passes them all by for her girl. Jaysen is on the dive team and is completely unaware of the girls who drool over him. He’s the typical muscly, blond hair, hazel-eyed boy that girls my age chase up and down the block. Then there’s Kayden. I was probably closer to him than anyone else, pretty easy to be due to him being the second person I met out here. Many people are put off by his appearance. His longer dark hair, snake bites, and gold eyes, topped with his leather jacket or band shirts, can be intimidating when you first see him. However, he’s actually a really sweet and cool guy. I mean seriously, he plays Magic and gets straight A’s even though you wouldn’t believe it.

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