Chapter 2 - Sundrop

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Sundrop heard the quiet breathing of her mother beside her, watching her chest rise and fall. Mother was always asleep by dusk. Taipan was always out helping rule the kingdom or whatever. It was terribly terrible, and Sundrop wondered if she would be bored for the rest of her life.

That was until Mother announced they were going on a trip to Endia River Mountain to visit the most powerful dragons in all of Pyrrhia.

Usually Sundrop ran out of ideas of what to do not long after her mother went asleep. Mother never let her go outside their house after she slept, anyway. But today she was too excited and nervous and happy to fall asleep.

Sandwing dragons were either boring or fighting warriors, and lucky for her, her parents were the fighting warrior type. But her mother was retired from her arena-fighting job so she could take care of her 'precious' Sundrop, aka her, and her father was too busy being a prince to worry about entertainment.

"Sundrop, go to sleep," her mother, Scorpia, complained, interrupting her bouncing thoughts. "I can hear you shifting and talking to yourself all the way from across the room."

"Sorry, mother," Sundrop said, lying down in her comfortable hyena fur. "I didn't know you were awake."

Her mother made a soft murmuring sound, calming down Sundrop. It almost tempted her enough to close her eyes, but eventually boredom gave in and her thoughts erupted again.

"I mean, what are we even going to do in Endia river mountain? Like, those are the most powerful dragons here! I know you went on some sort of destiny with father with them, but you never told me they were that powerful! Did you?" she asked Scorpia, who shifted again in her sleep. The sandy wind howled from outside, which Scorpia seemed to know scared Sundrop, so eventually she opened up one of her talons. Sundrop comfortably snuggled in next to her mother.

"That's it, my little noisy dragonet," her mother soothed.

"Hey, I am not little and noisy. I'm almost four!" Sundrop remarked, but quickly realized her mother was too tired to argue with her.

"If you really want to know, it's not Silvermoon who is the most powerful dragon," Scorpia said quietly. "It's her little dragonets. They are hybrid dragons. They have special moon powers from their mother, and royal powers from their father."

Sundrop paused, imagining herself as being a powerful dragon. She snapped back into reality quickly, remembering she was an ordinary dragonet. Although, her mother did say that all Sandwings started off being ordinary. But she reassured Sundrop that she would save all of the Sand Kingdom.

"Woah," Sundrop managed to say. Her mother's chest rising and dropping was beginning to slow down, relaxing enough to put Sundrop to sleep.

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