"We'll send in measurements from home instead, since you don't know how to do your job properly. You're an intern right? don't worry, I'll let your college know too, iI'm going to make sure you can never work somewhere like here ever again".

The colour drains from her face at his words, eyes wide and mouth agape in shock. She's about to protest but Yeosang just pulls Wooyoung out of the store.

"Are you okay?" Yeosang says as soon as they step outside, he cups his boyfriends face, worried.

"Yeah" Wooyoung leans into the touch. He had been scared at first but he was okay because Yeosang came quickly.

Yeosang sighs, pulling him in for a hug which the other returns happily. He kisses him gently, as if Wooyoung had gone through something traumatic, which is sort of true, at least she hadn't done anything to him.

Wooyoung pulls him closer, deepening the kiss, trying to show his boyfriend that he's fine. Yeosang gets the hint and smiles into the kiss, pulling away when they run out of breath, placing a kiss on his forehead.


The hall is grand, even Yeosang has never seen such an exquisitely decorated place, the decor visible from a mile away. He and Wooyoung walk inside, hand in hand with their matching outfits. Wooyoung gasps, looking around the hall in awe but Yeosang can only look at him. The chandeliers may sparkle but nothing is brighter than the stars in Wooyoung's eyes.

"You're so beautiful" Yeosang says, kissing his cheek.

Wooyoung blushes, placing a hand where Yeosang's lips were. "You're the model not me, you're more beautiful".

Yeosang shakes his head while Wooyoung nods, both laughing. They're so deep in their own world that they don't notice two people walking up to them.

"Hi guys" Seonghwa approaches them, holding Hongjoong's hand. Yeosang turns to face them and checks both of them out in surprise.

"Wow you guys look so good!" Wooyoung exclaims, the pair are matching too and they look amazing, outfits nothing like they've ever seen before.

Seonghwa smiles excitedly, letting go of Hongjoong's hand and instead, holding his waist. "Hongjoong designed and made these for us! Isn't he so talented!"

They all nod, praising Hongjoong while he blushes hard. Seonghwa is always bragging about his boyfriend's exceptional skills, always reassuring him that he's perfect in what he does. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to seeing Seonghwa smile so widely talking about him.

"It wasn't just me, Seonghwa helped designing it too" Hongjoong says shyly.

"No it was all you and your genius brain" Seonghwa says, pulling him closer and Hongjoong laughs.

Wooyoung gags. "Ew please don't kiss in front of us"

"You guys were doin the same thing when we walked up to you just now! And don't forget the time we walked into you two in the office- I should report you for unprofessional behaviour at the workplace!" Seonghwa complains and Hongjoong laughs at the other two's embarrassed expressions.

Someone calls Seonghwa over so the pair bid them goodbye and walk away, leaving them alone. They take a seat at a table and Wooyoung looks around. Everyone is talking to each other with happy faces, grabbing drinks or nodding along to the live band that was paling on the stage.

Wooyoung turns to his boyfriend "you can go and talk to people if you want, I'll sit here". He obviously doesn't know anyone here apart from Hongjoong and Seonghwa but he figures Yeosang knows people since this is the party celebrating 50 years of his family's company, there are probably many familiar faces around and Wooyoung doesn't want to hold him back from catching up with anyone.

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