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As we made our way outside the palace, I was glad I hadn't seen any of the tree man's siblings. It appeared like we hadn't taken a normal route anyways, since we aren't headed to the main exit, but the garden exit. Not that I was complaining. I didn't really want to get held up with another of Big Mom's offsprings.

"So, what flavor you want those donuts?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence." Any flavor is fine, just make sure you have enough dough." He said, making me chuckle in response.

"Yea, if not, I'll make it work, don't worry.." I could feel myself start to anxious. I'll be using up most of my dough and ingredients, meaning that if he didn't like my baking, I'll have wasted all my supplies for nothing. And since the leftovers are what I live off of, it means I won't have a bite for a few days. My stomach growled at the thought, making me mentally slap myself. Not now. I want to make some donuts for a guy who didn't take advantage of me.

Is it worth starving for? Maybe not, but if he does end up liking my donuts, that'd be enough. And if he doesn't, well at least I tried. I'll have no food and eventually starve. It's not like I expected to live after yesterday. I expected to do something dumb in the forest and get mauled to death or something. I'll just try again. And make sure it's in a different forest area.

I was so lost in thought, I hadn't realized we were at the front of my store.

I took a deep breath before taking out a key from my pants pocket and unlocked the store. Once inside, I motioned Katakuri to sit on a couch that barley fit his gigantic size." It should only be 30 minutes, I'm quite fast!" I grinned, quickly grabbing a timer off the cashier desk and hand it over to him. He raised a brow, focusing down to the little timer in the shape of a baby chick. I found it while digging through the trash of other bakerys and found it cute so I kept it. I trotted to the back, seeing my dingy equipment. They looked like they were about to fall apart, but they were still clean and ready to be used for at least a couple more orders.

I started laying out ingredients and the search of a bowl large enough for the mix. Thankfully I had overestimated the success of my bakery and purchased basically a couldren for large orders. I sat it right next to my island full of ingredients before running to the greaser for a preheat of sorts.

Once all was prepared, I began to stuff everything into the pot. I could feel Katakuri's gaze on me while I worked so I made sure to make it a show by gracefully dancing around the pot as I dropped or threw things into the mix. I was genuinely having fun with it, eventually humming a tune to break the silence. Once everything was situated in the pot with precise measurements, I shuffled over to the sink and washed my hands and arms before rushing back over to the bowl. I softened my hand with my devil fruit and allowed it to form into a giant wisk. Katakuri widened his eyes at this, intrigued.

Of course yknow the rest.

Mixing until I had a lovely, fluffy batter.

I transformed my wisk back into my hand and formed the familiar circle. To make the hole was going to be a little weird to say the least. I had no cookie cutter big enough for such a feat but I did have my powers! I softened my hand again and molded it into a scoop the mold I needed. Once formed, I pressed myself down onto the batter, attaching to the excess in the process, removing the middle portion perfectly. I repeated this several times so I could have a baker's dozen ready to be fried.

A smirk grew on my face as my confidence grew the longer Katakuri looked at my work. Baking is my pride and joy, and despite my family being known for the selling of pastries, bread and the like, they didn't care much for making the products themselves.

But not matter, I'm here now making something worth my time.

The oil looks hot enough, and I'm glad I had also overestimated my success again because my fryer was giant. I expected to have at least have some of the Charlottes come and get a taste of my food, and most are relatively large people so I had to buy bigger equipment.

I put some gloves on before putting the rounded dough into the frying basket. The sunflower oil simmered and popped in anticipation as I lowered the basket into the hot substance.

As I adjusted my timer for 4 minutes, I looked over to Katakuri who had a serious stare but not one I was intimated by. He had his arms crossed into his chest, same with his legs, sprawling more away from his body to strech them out as he was sat at the nearest table.

Again, so glad I over estimated who would be my daily costumers...

"Any donut preference? Like glaze, powder or regular old icing?" I raised a brow, setting down the timer. Katakuri shook his head to say no and I smiled in return." Got it!" I sent him a finger gun his way then rushed to the pantry to retrieve some of everything.

The donuts were finished. Now for the ultimate test. Will he like them?

I wrapped them up, nice and neat, in a (f/c) box with my bakery's logo of the front. The box was a little heavy given the contents but I managed to deliver it a whole few feet to the Charlotte with a big grin." Thank you for your time and presence." I said. I really needed to be on his good side. Not just because I want to but if he enjoys my baking, I have a chance at working for him or even his mother. I'm very confident in my skills, so I'm sure I can at least land a chef's apprentice job at the palace. It all hinges on him.

He opened the box and picked up a chocolate donut, staring at it intently, then back at me." It isn't laced, I swear! You saw me make it!" I chuckled, hopefully he understood it was a joke. He huffed, the obsticale now reaching my mind.

His scarf.

Why did he wear one?


I jumped at the sound, looking over to where it originated, Katakuri's pocket. He sighed, reaching into his pants and pulling out and cute lil den den mushi with a similar scarf to his.

"Hello?" He answered, his eyes looking at me and squinting in a menacing way. I panicked and walked out the room to give him some privacy that I figured he wanted. I could faintly make out the voice on the snail but not enough to understand what they were saying.

"Sure..." Katakuri's voice boomed through the entire store. It was too deep not to notice.

"Of course.." he sighed, a creak of the chair signaling he moved on it. I popped my head from the wall and saw him put the donut away in the box. A wash of disappointment flooded my chest.

I rushed over, calling out for him." You must be off?" I asked, trying to conseive a friendly smile.

He looked down at me, he stood up beforehand so I had to crank my neck high. I could feel a sweat drop form on my forehead as I stood their in a awkward silence.

"I have my duties, I will eat them later, thank you." He mumered, tucking the box to rest on his hip. I bowed my head in respect." I understand, enjoy!" I nearly stammered, his looming presence is much more evident since the bakery has a lower roof that the palace.

He hummed in response before walking out the glass doors of the bakery.

I let out a big sigh, my hands reaching up to rub my tired eyes.

I was so close...

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