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I felt warm, it was nice..

One whole bottle did this to me?

I was a light drinker, maybe I did die..


I could feel my body slowly wake up, my limbs stretched out and I didn't stop until I heard a good crack down my back. I eased back into the soft surface under me, sighing with content...



I shot up, suddenly recalling everything, but when I sat up, my head banged around my skull, causing a massive headache. I groaned, falling back down. I took a second to look at my surroundings and noticed I was in a gigantic bed with a candy themed room. I couldn't be in Big mom's Castel could I? Wait..DID I GET KNOCKED UP??

Panicked, I ran to the bathroom that was connected to the room and dunked my face into the sink, and switched it on, splashing water in my face. That tree dude, don't tell me...

"I should've locked the damn door..." I heard a voice beside me grumble.

I looked over and saw shower curtains with steam coming out the top. I must've stopped the warm water flow to the shower...WHO IS IN THAT SHOWER????

I yelled, running out the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind me. Don't tell me I really did...

I looked down at my lower region, seeing I'm still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I dont feel like I had sex.. I can stand and walk normally. And that dude is pretty fucking tall, aint not way he doesn't have a Big di-

"I didn't take advantage of you, if that's why you're panicking.." I heard a low rumble behind me.

I hadn't even noticed the shower stop and the bathroom door open. I turned to look at the voice, but two hands quickly grabbed me and turned me back forward. I yelped, seeing the two giant palms on my shoulders. I was right...

I really did run into Big Mom's son...

Charlotte Katakuri...

I was too drunk to panic yesterday and mistook him for a giant tree...

How did I manage to get myself in this situation??

"Don't turn around, I forgot my clothes, then I'll return to the bathroom, just don't look my way." He said, directing me to face a wall. His warm hands left, lifting a weight from my shoulders. I could hear his powerful steps walk around the room and soon a door shut. I glanced over at the bathroom door, lifting my hands to my face and felt myself burning up. Was he naked?? Or did he just have a towel?? He doesn't leave much to the imagination with his typical uniform anyways, but still...

I mentally saved that image in my head, giggling to myself till I snapped back to reality.

I guess my fear came true,, I'm in Big Mom's castle, judging by the sweet theme. I'll need to wait for her son to get out and escort me out. There's no chance that I'll wander around in a Yonko's home.

You really did it this time (Y/n), you got drunk and made a fool out of yourself in front of Big Mom's 2nd in command..

I sighed, letting my head bang against the wall Katakuri had directed me to look at.

Now that I think about it, why would I end up here?

If I recall correctly, I ran into Katakuri in the forest. What was he doing there?

I felt my head bang into something soft, I looked up and saw mochi oozing on the wall. I jumped back, coming in contact with a figure behind me, making me jump back from the figure and turning around to face the red head.

"Are you still drunk? You only had one bottle.." his deep voice sent chills down my spine. I'm supposed to see this dude as a hero and yet I'm having a fucking anxiety attack by coming in contact with him. I'm such a fucking card aint I?

"Just pondering.." I looked off to my side, my neck not able to crack all the way up to share eye contact.

"About?" He asked, noticing I had a hard time cranking my neck, so he sat on the giant bed, crossing his arms and leg. I stared at him for a moment, taking in the very size of him. He was a giant. I was pretty tall myself, so much so that my have to crouch a bit to get into my apartment, but he was even bigger.

"What were you doing in the forest?" I praised myself for not stuttering. This man radiated annoyance and intimidation, which I found extremely attractive, which is why I'm so damn nervous. That and I guess he is Big Mom's son..

He widened his eyes, tensing up for a second.

"I can go anywhere I please on this island, that's a ridiculous question.."

I raised a brow, crossing my own arms and putting my weight on on foot. I wasn't at all convinced, obviously, but I wasn't going to pressure him into saying something that really didn't affect me.

"Then why am I here?" I asked, he again tensed and mumbled something under his breath before looking off to his side.

"Pretty obvious that you were drunk and needed somewhere safe to sober up, you may go home whenever you please.."

Mmm how boring..
Even if it was morally right, I couldn't help but feel like he kept holding back information.

A lightblub popped in my head.

"Well, my knight in shining Armour, may I interest you in some pastries for your trouble?" I asked, walking up closer to him, seeing his shocked expression made me chuckle. He looked at me with a confused gaze, currowing his brows.

"I have pastries given to me by my own bakers, I'm fine, thank you, I will just see you out.." he said, standing up. I pouted. I'm not taking no for an answer.

"Just like how you couldn't leave me drunk in the forest, I can't bare to not show my gratitude.." I smirked, seeing him clench his fists.

"I hope you make them bigger than the ones you had in the box you held last night.." The red head left the room and I quickly followed, a giant smile on my face.

If everything goes well, this might help my bakery...

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