Danielle turned around and signaled to a smiling man to come over. My eyes bulged put as I realised I was going to be meeting the Claudio Reyna. I had no idea why that hadn't  cross my mind until now. But it was safe to say that I was freaking out.

 I remembered being extremely, extremely young and watching some matches with my family in the late 2000s where he captained the American team. And now I was going to meet him? Well actually, now my brother was his son's teammate? That's hella mental. 

Claudio came up and energetically introduced himself. I of course, responded by introducing myself as well.

"I'm Shanaya. Please call me Naya. It's so nice to meet you." I grinned.

"Please the pleasure is all mine. We're glad to meet the girl that Delilah can't stop talking about nor it seems can Gio." Claudio responded. 

I raised an eyebrow, "Gio talks about me? Well I didn't expect that one but I'm flattered? Hopefully all good things!"

"Oh they're better than just good things. He's really started to like you!" Delilah smiled. 

I blushed slightly and looked out to the field where Gio warming up caught my eye. Magically, he managed to see me as well because he whispered something to the coach before beginning to run over in our direction.

"Look Mummy! Gio's coming over here!" Delilah exclaimed.

"Yeah but it's not for us Delilah..." Danielle teased. 

Gio jogged right over to us, separated by the barriers of the stands but we were close enough so that he could reach out and hug us if he wanted to.

"What's up?" He asked with suspicion, looking at all of us.

"Nothing! We were just talking to Naya and getting to know her a little bit." Claudio explained.

"And?" Gio raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh it's nothing to worry about Gio. They just told me how you love talking about me." I giggled. 

Gio's face became alarmed and began to turn red slightly before shaking it off.

"They have no idea what they're talking about." 

"Oh I'm sure." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, I'm happy to see you came through with the deal." Gio commented, looking at my number 7 kit.

"Well I didn't have much of a choice did I?" I mocked.

Gio shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe, but you did. If anything, this proves how you Dortmund suits you better than Bayern. 

I tried to switch the topic and joked, "You gonna score a goal for me today?"

"Come in that jersey to every game and I'll score for you every match." Gio winked. 

Since when did our relationship become like this?

"Gio!" We all heard one of the assistant coaches call.

Gio turned back and sent him a nod.

"I should go back now. I'll see you guys after the game." Gio mumbled, before giving his family members hugs.

Finally he turned to me, looking unsure if I'd be willing to give him a hug back. So instead of waiting for him to decide, I reached over the railing and gave him a big hug.

"Good luck Gio. I know you'll kill it." I encouraged.

He murmured a quick thank you before pecking me on the cheek and running off in the opposite direction. I turned back to the Reynas who all gave me small smirks.

It All Started With a Crush|g.reynaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang