02. ) the ground all breaks .

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༄ؘ | CHAPTER TWO: THE GROUND ALL BREAKS━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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warning : gore, cursing,
and violence.

THE SKY LOOKED like it wept for her.

* .˚ · .

     Whatever young, carefree god made it seem so must have been a fool. Saori Nakagawa didn't have a heart to wear on her sleeve, so in its place she bore her hatred. Wretched hatred spoke for her instead of the beating organ in her chest, an organ she kept locked away, ready to strike should anyone so much as reach out to the brittle thing.

     Even if someone would stab a knife through their torsos or walk through white hot glass all just for her ( let alone weep ), she would not care. The summers, winters, equinoxes that fleeted through her life were spent with her finding sanctuary in ruin and pain, finding peace in spilt blood ( often by her own hand ) and chaos. She had lost far too much at a far too early time to comprehend such foolish things.

     Which is exactly why this. . .foreign, abhorrent place she sat cross legged upon was nothing more than a dream. It had to be. The world wouldn't let her feel such joy or comfort in anything else aside from violence.

     The way the last, lightest showers of the rain's end twinkled in the soft morning sunlight, its rays lightly kissing her rosy cheeks and her little nose inhaling the thick, lilting scent of petrichor...it was quiet. It felt safe. Impossible. This alien world to her, she felt safe here.

     It had everything the world deprived her of, everything she had managed to find peace without, yet it was everything she never knew she needed so badly.

    The sticky, lulling warmth enveloped her body as she knelt on the bamboo floor, worn with age. Her eyelids wanted to droop shut for a little while, but even if she wanted, it was impossible to do so in his presence.

    "Oi, chief. Don't go sleeping on me now," Fingers lightly flicked her temple." You just took a nap, you little rascal. I said focus."

    A larger, callous-littered hand covered her own, almost completely swallowing it. The faintest hint of hesitation and fear crept into her eyes as she stared down at her hands. The owner remained unfazed, still coating her tightly shut fist in a lagoon of comforting heat.

    "It's okay. You won't and can't hurt me, I promise. Now c'mon, you better show me what you've been practicing on, yeah?"

    Slowly the delicate fingers on each hand unfurled into a unique position, facing each other. She thought they looked like fat little spiders, but knew better than to voice it out.

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