9 - His friends

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“What no! Dabi, don't be like that!” you say.

What is up with this random mood swing?

“Can you just, like, shut up for a minute, god,” he grumbled.

You felt your entire mood get ruined, and you just looked away. What the heck was that? Why did he get so mean all of a sudden?

You continued to walk with him until you felt his hand touch yours again. But you just looked back up at him with a frustrated and upset expression, and jerked your hand away.

“Don't.” you spoke.

“Hey… I’m sorry,” he said sweetly, honey practically dripping off his tone, “I just freaked out. I didn't mean to say that I promised.”

“It doesn't matter. You still did it,” you spat at him.

“I know…. And it won’t happen again… I promise,” he said with a gentle smile, holding out his pinky. After you didn't respond to his gesture he looked at you and leaned in a bit closer and said, “Please?”

There was something about him in that very moment that sent up a red flag. A huge red flag. You weren't sure what but it was definitely there. But his sweet and boyish charm got the best of you. His stupid little smile and childish gesture found its way into your heart and made you feel bad for making him feel like he needed to apologise.

You let out a sigh, “Okay….” you locked your pinky with his, forming a ‘promise’.

“Good girl,” he smirked. The way those words rolled off his tongue made you blush. Never once had you ever been in any kind of relationship where you were spoiled the way he spoiled you, you had never had any kind of pet name like that either. And god it gave you butterflies in the worst way. But at the same time it made you feel sick…

He then took hold of your hand once again and led you to this ‘hangout’ of his. The two of you soon made your way to a more… dark, part of the city. And you got really nervous when he led you into an alley with a few back doors of surrounding buildings, but you followed anyway. And he stopped at the end of the alley, and pulled out his phone.

“Uh… Dabi? What are we doing here?” you asked with a nervous smile.

“Just be patient, Y/n..” he smiled, and gripped your hand. You did as you were told and stayed pacient. 

Out of nowhere a dark portal appeared in front of you. You were taken aback and surprised, so you obviously took a few steps back and tried to get out of Dabi’s grip. 

“Hey… easy there princess,” he said softly, “It's just my friend coming to pick us up.”
“Wha—” you said hastily. He gave you a smile and pulled you close to his body. His arm around your hip as he leads you through the portal. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and a lump was forming in your throat. But Dabi would protect you. You knew he would. And why would he ever take you somewhere you wouldn't enjoy?

You took in his scent while you walked with him. Letting the warm smell comfort you and calm you down. And it worked. You felt more comfortable and confident when he was with you. The second the two of you took your last step into the other side of the portal, it closed behind you, and you were left with dabie, and the few other people that were in the room. 

“Welcome to the headquarters Y/n,” Dabi said smoothly. 

You looked around and saw that it was an old rickety bar, the lights were yellowish and it seemed to be like they were dimmed down. The atmas fear was strange, it didn't feel quite homey, but it didn't feel really unfamiliar in any way. It seemed like some shady hide out that they use in the movies. You looked around to see a man behind the counter who almost looked like he was made of mist, so you assume that the portal was his quirk. You saw a scrappy looking man with hair that was in his face and was a washed out baby blue, he wore black clothes and looked crazy tired. Leaning on the counter with his elbows was a man in what looked like an orange tailed jacket and a black and white mask, he looked like a show man. You fixed your eyes to the sofa and other furniture that was on the other side of the room. There is a lizard man sitting there, must be his quirk. And next to him was a man in a gray and black suit and he wore a mast. It made you feel kinda happy when he gave you a cute and obnoxious wave. And lastly, next to him was a cute girl with messy blonde hair. She looked to be about your age and was wearing what looked to be a school uniform.

“Hey everyone… This is Y/n. She's the girl I was telling you guys about…” Dabi said in an explaining voice. He looked at you and gave you a small nudge, and when you didn't move he gave you a light smack on the ass, and smirked.

“Say hi, princess,” he said.

“Uh… hi,” you said quietly and gave a small nudge, “I’m Dabi’s… uh,” you started… What were you to Dabi? You had never talked about labels or anything with him… but you two always went on dates and he was always flirting with you in sweet subtle ways… but, were you two together? Or was this just him wanting to mess around…

“She’s my girlfriend, sorry guys she's a little shy at first,” he said, putting an arm around you and letting it trace down your body to rest on your hip. 

That one word. One single word made you feel so happy. It had made your heart start to race and you could feel the smile trying to crawl onto your lips. 

“Oh my gosh Dabi!!!” The blonde squealed, hopping over the side of the couch and rushing over to you, “She’s so cute!” you laughed nervously at the comment.

She grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to her, “I’m Toga! I hope that you and I can be great friends! It would be so amazing to have another girl around here!” she sang.

“Haha…. Yes of course, it’s always nice to make more friends,” you said sweetly. There was something about her that just seemed so intriguing. You could really just feel her energy radiating off of her. It almost instantly lifted your mood.

“How did you manage to get such a pretty girl Dabi?” the man in the suit said.

“Bug off Twice.” Dabi said sternly. 

“Well… Let me introduce everyone,” Dabi said with a sigh.

“Wait I got it, I got it!” Toga interrupted, and it made you laugh when Dabi got visibly irritated with her.

[(a/n): Hey guys.... Sorry for not updating for awhile... I took a break to work on my mental state, and was trying to get my life together haha... school has been crazy and I really needed to focus on some stuff and everything was just all over the place. But I'm back now... updates might still be pretty spaced apart and might be not very consistant, cuz I still need to try and keep up with my other stories... but that you all for your patience. And I hope you enjoyed the chapter!]

Toxic (Dabi x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum