8 - Mood Swing

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[your pov]

“I know what I’m doing. You don't need to worry,” you assure him.

    “Do you, though? Cuz you say that every time. And then you end up getting hurt,” he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Your so smart Y/n…” he says and gives you a side glance, “But your incredible stupid at the same time.”

[time skip]

    Three days have passed since you and Bakugou had fought. But everything has smoothed over since then. So you didn't really think much of it. But the thing that you did have on your mind was how Dabi hasn’t messaged you or responded to any of your texts since you two had met up. And in all reality… it had you in a really shitty mood.

    You sat in the common area playing on your phone, trying to avoid any interaction with any of your classmates that wanted to engage in a conversation  with you. 

    “Hey Y/n,” you heard Mina say, “You look kinda down… is everything alright?” she asked, sitting down next to you on the coach. 

    “Yeah,” you answered, “I’m fi-” you were interrupted when your phone buzzed. You looked down at it almost immediately, filled with excitement and hope that the notification was a message from Dabi. And sure enough….it was.


Dabi: Hey, what are you doing right now?

Your heart lit up at the question. You didn't even bother answering, or even acknowledging Mina at this point.

You: Hey! And nothing, why?

Dabi: So what I’m hearing is that you're free to go out right now?

You: Yes of course! When and where do you want to meet?

Dabi: Now and same place as last time?

You: okay! I'll be there shortly!!! 

Dabi: I’ll be waiting 

You let out a happy giggle as you get up from the couch and head towards your room to get dressed. Not even answering Mina as she called out to you.

    When you got up to your room you started rummaging through your closet, looking for a cute outfit. 

    You decided to wear a crop top tank top, with a thin zip up sweatshirt, and some shorts and sneakers. You grab some lip tint and put it on, and throw your hair up into a quick but cute messy bun, as you're walking down the stairs into the common area.

    “What the...Y/n where are you-” Mina started, but you didn't even bother to let her finish.

“I’m going out for a while! I’ll see you later!” you wave, as you make your way out of the building. But little did you know that Bakugou was staring you down the entire time.


    When you arrive at the park you see Dabi and run up to him.

“Hey you!” you smiled. He looked down at you and smiled back.

    “Hey Y/n, you got here faster than I thought you would,” he straightened his back and gave you a playful shove with his elbow and a small smirk, “You just that eager to go on a date with me?”

    “Wha-” you put your hands up in defense and wave them frantically like a child which makes him chuckle, “N-no! I just-”

    “Hey, I was just kidding!” he says, grabbing one of your hands and locking his fingers with yours.

    You put your head down and glue your eyes to the sidewalk as he pulls you along, still laughing.

    Your heart was still thumping loudly in your chest from the embarrassment, and your cheeks were still tinted red.

    “So, what are we doing today?” you mumbled. You looked up at his face to see a smirk on it.

    “I want to take you to one of my favorite hang outs,” he said, “If that's okay with you princess,” he teased.

    “Don't call me princess,” you grumbled, “But yeah...I’m okay with whatever you want.”

“Good to know…” he says. 

    But all of a sudden your phone starts to buzz. You take it out of your pocket and look down at the screen. 

    “Bakugou?” you mumble. 

“Who?” Dabi questions.

    “Oh! He’s one of my classmates. He’s actually my best friend. We hang out a lot, and we're really close,” you explain.

    You open the text from your friend and roll your eyes at the message.

Baku: what the hell was that!? You literally just walked out of here like you didn't have someone talking to you! Shitty woman. Where the hell did you go?

You: Oh yeah, tell Mina I’m sorry, and that is none of your concern.

Baku: hell, Y/n are you with that guy?! I told you I don't like the idea of you two being alone together. What if something happens, and you get hurt?

You: would you chill out! I'm fine, my god.

    “He seems like a bitch,” you hear Dabi say. You look up at him and see him making a scowling face at your phone.

    “O-oh! Um… yeah he can be,” you giggle nervously, putting your phone screen against your chest.

    “What? Don't want me to look at your conversation? You don't want me to see what you're telling some random guy about me?” he questioned. His voice was cold and the features of his face seemed to get darker.

    “What! No of course not, Dabi!” you answer. But he lets go of your hand and shoves it in his pocket.

    “Whatever. I'm sure you'd rather be with him right now, right? Cuz he’s your best friend,” he spit.

    “What no! Dabi, don't be like that!” you say.

What is up with this random mood swing?

    “Can you just, like, shut up for a minute, god,” he grumbled.

You felt your entire mood get ruined, and you just looked away. What the heck was that? Why did he get so mean all of a sudden?

Toxic (Dabi x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin