The Trinity

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As I look over the city I have grown to love, I can't help but feel conflicted. My mom and my dad are back on my home planet. And while I'm enjoying my time on Earth, I'm getting homesick. Mother promised me that my time on earth would be the best time of my life. Just like it was the best time for her. But can I tell Damian and Jon? Will they understand my situation? Or will they think I'm trying to leave them and our team? What if they wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore?

Sirens snap me out of my thoughts. I glance down at the city and see the familiar lights of the police cars. Damian wasn't feeling well, so I covered his patrol tonight. Now I can have all the fun to myself. 

I use my powers to fly over to where the police are headed, and I touch down in the middle of an ambush. The police are trying their best to fight against.... I don't know how to describe it. 

A short man, shooting psychic beams from head, I fighting off about a dozen officers while stealing from the jewelry store. The man uses his beam to grab hold of an officer's neck.

I fire several starbolts at him, setting the officer free. Using Papa Bruce's training, I make a jab at the short man, my hands glowing with my ancient power. The force of my punch knocks the little man back into a shelf. Several diamond necklaces and bracelets hang off of his angry face. 

"I am Dr. Psyco!" He yells, "And some little girl will not beat me!"

I smirk, "Look who's talking, shortie."

The dark-haired man growls and launches himself at me. Before he reaches me, a golden rope wraps around Dr. Psyco's waist and pulls him backwards. A fist meets his face and the little villain falls to the floor, tied up at the feet of Wonder Woman.

"Wow," I gasp, "Thanks."

Wonder Woman smiles as the police take over to lock up their prisoner. "You are a stunning little warrior," Diana comments, "Are you a Themescieran?"

"No ma'am," I say shyly, "I'm Starfire and Nightwing's daughter, Nightstar."

"Of course!" Wonder Woman exclaims. "Batman mentioned you and your adventures. Let us talk somewhere else, little one. There is something I want to show you."

Wonder Woman flies off, so I follow closely behind her. We soar over the city and we start to reach a landmark that Jon showed me online: The Hall of Justice. I touch down in front of the marvelous building, and I can feel Wonder Woman smiling at me. 

"When I left Paradise Island, I felt so alone and homesick," Wonder Woman says, "I was a princess, but I felt like my life was so much more than that. The lives of men was just so..."

"Captivating," I finish. "Like this is where you're meant to be."

Diana and I stand in silence. It isn't awkward, but comforting. 

"Bruce and Clark have told me about your little club, in fact, some League members are joking that you, Damian, and Jonathan will one day replace me, Bruce, and Clark as the Trinity," Diana says with a chuckle.

"Trinity?" I ask.

"The Trinity are the faces of The Justice League," Diana explains. "We are supposed to be a team, but most times, things get convoluted and confusing. But you children have a chance to be better than we are, to be the next, rising trinity. I know it, Clark knows it, and your grandfather knows it."

"That's a big title to live up to," I murmur. "And how can we be a team if I'm afraid to be honest with my teammates? How can I admit that I am unsure I deserve a place here on Earth?"

Diana gives me a small smile, and pulls me into a hug. "Be honest with your companions," she says, "Teams are at their best when their teammates are honest with each other. The League right now has a few bumps when it come to that but if you open up to your friends, you can be better than we every will be."

"You think so?" I ask.

"I know so," Wonder Woman confirms. 


So, I tell Damian and Jon everything. My fears, my doubts, and how lonely I feel. When I finish, I expect them to shun me, but instead, Jon wraps me in a tight hug. 

"Mari," he says, "We're a team. I could never be mad at you, especially not for feeling homesick."

Damian places a hand on my shoulder, which is a lot considering who we're talking about here. "We support you, Grayson," Damian says with a faint smile.

"Yeah, I don't know what I was worried about," I say with a small chuckle. "We're a team."

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