Chapter 10 // Two Tall Figures

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300 reads what.

Thank you so much :)

- Swearing


The warning... The warning... It would not leave my mind. It was like it was permanently in my brain, stapled to my frontal lobe. It was like the words where superglued in front of my eyes, causing me temporary blindness. It would just not go away!

I was still sat on the sofa, mulling my thoughts over and over, gently playing with the white paper - it had developed some creases from the areas that had been touched the most. Tommy was now in my - our - room, probably still texting.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door, then there was thundering footsteps, and finally a creak as the hinges were used. A quiet chatter followed suit, and then more footsteps and a slam of a bedroom door.

I heard giggling, a sound of which I had missed. 

Fuck, I'm so exhausted.

Where the hell have you been?

Away. It doesn't matter.

It does! You've been disappearing more and more lately-

I said, it doesn't matter! There was such a finality in xe's voice that it genuinely terrified me. There had only been one time before this that their words had the same effect on me: and that had resulted in some serious implications.

Hey, wait- xe's voice became softer, they must have felt my fear. I didn't mean it like that.

Whatever. I wasn't in the mood to deal with this right now; there were more important things to focus on. 

I read over the note again. There had to be some clue to what it meant. And more importantly, what they want.

I decided to think back against the past few days.

First things first, these notes started appearing when, after Tommy moved in? Could he be linked to this? Part of me wanted to doubt it: after all, he... I just know that he probably wouldn't send these.


The second thing is the letter with the strange symbols: is it some form of ancient is language?

The third is-

But my thoughts were interrupted, for the living room door burst open, and two tall figures stood in the door way.

Scared me shitless.

"Toby get out." Tommy demanded, as he took a seat on the sofa in front of the tv.

I quickly hid the note in my pocket before speaking. "No, I think I'll stay in here."

The second, who was still stood at the doorway, spoke.

"What was that?" He questioned. I turned to look at him, and took in his features. The guy had brunette curly hair, with cold rimmed glasses and brown eyes. He was probably a good few inches taller then Tommy.

"It was nothing," I replied, but he didn't look convinced.

"Wil, ignore him. He's just an inconvenience." The taller guy - Wil - shrugged and say beside Tommy, but not before giving me a suspicious look.

"Toby clear off," Tommy spoke again.

"No, I'll stay right here." and I quickly shot up, grabbed a ps4 controller and sat back down. Next to me was the remote, so I used it to actually turn on the tv and to log in.

"Toby," Tommy said dangerously, but I ignored him.

He repeated my name again and again, but little attention I paid.

I loaded up a game of Mortal Kombat, and began to play against AI. Mileena was my character of choice, I absolutely loved her design and her teleportation kick.

Then I heard a shuffle, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone grab the other controller - we only had two.

My round had finished (me winning 2-1) when the person with the remote also logged in. Fuck it, might as well.

The other picked Raiden, the lightning fighter. Upon seeing this, I switched to Ermac with the Mystic ability.

It was intense: the fight was quite evenly matched - so much so that I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen.

And then suddenly, the screen went dark: a chance for fatality. I don't know who's it was, but I hit those combos like my life depended on it.

Somehow... I had lost.

Even though I didn't win, I breathed a sigh of relief that it was over.

"That was a good game; I haven't fought someone that evenly matched in a while." A voice that was not Tommy's said. Wil?

"Oh, uh yeah, you too?" with no clue how to answer that, I stumbled over my words.

I turned to him, only to see that his hand was outstretched. Hesitantly, I took it.

"The name's Wilbur, but you can call me Wil."

"Tubbo," I said in response. For the second time today, I genuinely smiled.


After the greeting, I had headed upstairs: as much as I would love to spite Tommy, pissing off Wil was the last thing I would like to do at this moment. He seems nice.

My thoughts surrounding the letters came flooding back, temporarily forgotten admist the chaos of a fighting game.

But now, I just couldn't think about it: my mind was currently elsewhere.

Sorry about that. Erika whispered in my mind. Did that mean that xe was thinking about them?

Once more, a picture of Ranboo sprung to mind.

You should go visit him.

That's a great idea. Except.. I didn't know where he lived.

So instead of going over to Ranboos house, I settled on taking a walk through the area I lived in. I grabbed my leather jacket and set off.

When I saw it was dark out, I did a double take. How long had I been thinking for?

The night was rather beautiful - the stars twinkled in the inky black void. Trees were silhouetted black against the fences. It was rather quiet, only the rustling of leaves and the occasional spurt of laughter reached my ears.

However that was until I entered the small park, where I immediately wanted to turn around and go home - but it was already too late.



Literally as I have been writing this chapter in the last few days, this book hit 350 views. that's insane. Thanks :)I

Bit of a bonding chapter, this one

Anyways, there might be a week when I don't upload (23rd-29th August probably) because I'm going away, just letting you all know in advance.

also I got mc java, and I suck at bedwars but that's okay.

See you all next time, good bye!


Word Count: 1086 Words


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