I'm pissed

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Okay so I don't mean to sound like a bitch but I don't care at this point so here's why I'm pissed okay so first wattpad is been jacked up lately and no one sees the notification for my update then it's annoying it doesn't show up to anyone it shows up like a hour later that's so stupid and another reason I'm mad is because I've need updating a lot lately because I have time I understand that some people have lives but so do I and I take my time to read some of ya'll stories and I message anyone who voted or comments on my stories I say thank because I'm a nice person and do I get that back from other people no I don't and I think it's a little unfairhow beehive is supposed to have each others backs and that's a not true for most of you out there so please I'm not asking a lot I'm just saying a little appreciation from the beehive would be nice because it's nice to have support.

And the other reason I'm pissed is when I message someone it shouldn't take this a week to reply back you don't have to say a lot just at least respond back If your on.

Okay that's all I have to say right now I hope I wasn't too harsh on you guys.

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