"Don't do that! You've hooked up with him before right? What would it hurt to try it out?"

"Eren? Eren Jaeger? We hooked up once. And we barely knew each other at that time. I'd never do it again and I'd never want to be his girlfriend. I'd rather die than be a frat wife." Y/N said sharply as Sasha put her hands up.

"Only a suggestion babe. I got it though. No Eren and no more guys. None at all." Sasha dusted her self off before pulling a hoodie over her own dress and took Y/N's hand.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup." Y/N popped the p, trying to seem enthusiastic, but deep down dreading all of this, and looking at her bed wistfully, but before she could object about going back, Sasha had pulled her out of their shared apartment with Mikasa, and they were walking to the fraternity already.

Despite being quite the loner upon entering Trost University, Y/N had found herself friends with the most exclusive friend group amongst the school, well, as exclusive as it could get in university. The status of her friendship group may have been enhanced by the fact that Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirsten were amongst her friends, the two most sought after sophomores on campus it seemed.

She'd had Mikasa Ackerman to thank for that. The girl she crashed into on the way to her quantum mechanics class, who was much more sweeter than she looked, given the fact that Mikasa looked like that of a pretty ghost who haunted the school.

Ever since then, Mikasa had introduced Y/N and forcefully inserted her into her friend group, which consisted of Mikasa's friends from Scouts, an activity that had 'bonded' them for life as they said, which was true enough when you looked at all of Y/N's friends. They were practically family, and Y/N was relieved enough that they had adopted her. She couldn't be more thankful for a crazier family in trade for the one that she had run away from, even if that meant she had switched up from a life of polite dinners to frat parties.

As soon as she entered, Y/N was hit with the unpleasant stench of sweat and alcohol, and was immensely thankful for the fact that the frat party was just a separate party compared to the one downstairs where her friends were actually at.

Sasha guided Y/N through underage drinking and kissing students, before they made it to the back of the house where the basement was. They all had the passcode to get through the door that led to the stairs, and Y/N kept on watch as Sasha pressed numbers, before the both of them hid away from the party.

As they descended, the atmosphere shifted almost immediately. From beer, yelling and slurred words, to smoke, hushed talk and all of Y/N's friends lounging on sofas and laughing softly.

"Sasha! Y/N!" Eren announced their arrival as Y/N stifled a cough amongst the smoke, pushing a window open as Eren slung an arm around her shoulders, directing her to the rest of her friendship group who were all around the basement's kitchen island, smiling upon the arrival of their last few friends.

"You came!" Mikasa said excitedly, taking Y/N from Eren who shot sharp look in her direction as Mikasa ignored it, hugging her best friend warmly.

"Come! I want you to meet someone super cool." Mikasa tugged on her hand, taking Y/N to a brunette person, their hair up in a ponytail as Mikasa tapped their shoulder.

"Hange! Look, it's Y/N, the girl I was telling you about!" Mikasa exclaimed as Hange turned around, squealing when they saw Y/N.

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