Chapter 6

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The lunch went really well with Daniel's parents. When Aurora and Daniel told them about the reason for them being late, Grace immediately broke down.
"I'm gonna be a grandma again?" She said through happy tears. She pulled Aurora into a big hug as Aurora also cried and nodded, smiling through her tears. "Oh sweetheart I'm so happy for you. For both of you" she said as she looked at her son and his fiancé. She squeezed Aurora's hand.

Joe spoke up, shaking his sons hand proudly. "Congratulations son. I'm so proud of you, of everything you've accomplished in your career. But I think this is definitely my favorite achievement of yours" he started to well up a little. He turned to Aurora. "Well you've always felt like family since we met you but I'm really happy it's official now, welcome to the family dear" he gave Aurora a hug and kissed her cheek.

Aurora thanked them and they all sat down to eat. "Well I know it's really early and I didn't want to jinx it but we had to tell you. We still have to get it confirmed by a doctor and make sure everything is ok". Grace nodded, understanding what she meant.

"It's ok sweetheart, we support you both no matter what. It's still early, you've got plenty of time. Please keep me updated on how it goes with the doctor. You know I can't trust that one to tell me" she laughed as she pointed her finger towards Daniel who was deep in conversation with his dad.

Aurora laughed and promised she would. The rest of the lunch went by smoothly. Daniel's parents asked a few questions about their relationship and what their plans were. They were both pleasantly surprised at how much Daniel and Aurora had actually thought things through.

Daniel was over the moon happy looking at his bride to be chatting away happily with his parents. He wondered how lucky he could possible be, to get everything he ever wanted and more. He only wished he had realized his feelings sooner.


Later that night, Aurora was feeling really tired so she decided to go lay down while Dan made dinner. She woke up to the soft sound of talking.

"Daddy's right here, and he's never gonna leave you baby. I love you so much and I don't even know you yet," she realized she felt a hand laying gently on her stomach and opened her eyes to see Daniel tenderly press his lips to her abdomen. He turned his head to rest his cheek on her stomach and looked up at Aurora with the sweetest love struck smile on his face.

"Hey you" Aurora whispered as she smiled back and ran her hand through his curls.

"Hey mama" Dan whispered back, making Aurora's heart skip a beat. "Dinners ready" he said as he sat up and sweetly kissed her lips.

They ate dinner and talked about the crazy day they've had. They were now sitting outside enjoying a beautiful sunset, cuddling up to each other on the outdoor sofa. "So when can we schedule a test with the doctor?" Dan asked as he stroked her hair comfortingly.

"Not for a few weeks. I think the earliest is 6 weeks for an ultrasound" Aurora answered, resting her head into his shoulder.

"And how far along are we? Do we even know?" He was trying to think of when it could've happened but he felt confident in his... performance... to know it could've been any of the times.

"Well I'm a week late, but it could've been any time over the last month. So I could already be 4-5 weeks. But I've only just started feeling really tired the last couple weeks so I don't know. I just hope that's normal this early on" Aurora sounded nervous.

Dan noticed and pulled her onto his lap. "Babe, I'm sure it's normal. We knew this wasn't going to be easy but I'm here for you, whatever you need ok?" He held her in his arms and kissed her lips. "I love you".

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