Dark Yandere megalodon X Reader (un-edited)

Start from the beginning

You both had talked about where the wedding revenue would be and who'd be on the guest list. You and the fiancee planned to marry on a beach in summertime, surrounded by close family and friends.

Not to your surprise you saw the news story on TV your old folks were arrested on several charges. Harassment, assault and attack a federal officer. Little sad because they were your birth parents, but they weren't the nicest people. 😔

Of course, they tried to reach out to you through their lawyer and your lawyer to plead to bail them out using the birth parent card and that you owe them.' You saw through it. You weren't obligated to do anything for them,

Were you going to listen to the people who tried to ruin your relationship with your girlfriend and cut you off?

Absolutely not.

They've made it pretty clear and didn't want you in their lives. So you'd respected their wishes and requested your lawyer to block them.

Timeskip forward a month.

One of the reasons you became a marine scientist was to learn more about the megamonium. An ancient prehistoric ancestors of the deep and connection to modern-day sharks as you know it. Would've become an archaeologist and joined that fancy university but didn't have the knack for the love of ancient historical civilizations or architecture.

Very recently, one of your superiors had reported some rather unusual disturbances in the reefs off the coast of (nearby town name). Sea creatures had gone into hiding and affecting the fishing industry. Some had washed up on shores of beaches and drawing attention to local news.

You decided to join a team to investigate into mystery and find out what was scaring marine life or killing them. Some of marine mammals remains had large bite marks.

One afternoon, Strange Man showed up at the laboratory with dark grey hair near black and strange symbols on the arm. It looked ancient. One of the work colleagues brought him in and claimed he had knowledge on the mystery creature and maybe able to track it. They set him to join your team in holes he'll see

Moment he set eyes on you. You felt ice water down your spine, and goosebumps on your arms rippled. You had an incredibly bad feeling about him. And gut was always right.

Acted normal at first and seemed friendly with your colleagues and superiors, and you. You tried to be nice and make him feel welcome and had a nice conversation about sharks species.

Sometimes, you wake in the hall and hear him speaking in an unknown dialect. Sounded ancient.

Bit then, he started to casually brush by you in the hallway. You tried not to think much of it. Maybe he was trying to get past to do something? He kept doing that to touching your hand, leaving small gifts on your desk. flirting.You were starting to feel umcomfortable and creeped out. Mentioned it to work colleagues but thought it was cute and It'll pass. Weren't so sure. But after another bouquet was on your work desk. You decide to tell your fiancee and give advice. He has a crush but has the wrong idea.

You pulled him aside and confronted him about his behaviour. Apologise if I took kindness the wrong but don't feel the same way about him. Wish to keep things professional and not do it anymore.
Said goodbye and woke away. Let you be.

All too soon started to become suspicious of his real move for being at the laboratory and why.

Realise it was a shark, a large one that was scaring the marine life and causing the fishing industry to struggle. But how was it able to get around without being seen.

Ancient symbols that were on the man's arm and language were from olden times.

Reported your findings to your supervisor and boss. Your boss used to be the grandson of a fisherman and tribesman used to tell tales of a creature of the deep called the Megadron. Ancestors of all sharks and great whites were its closest relatives. Used to be at the top of the food chain until global warming and disappeared. But a sorceror from medieval amd Atalntian bloodline found them and and granted the abililty to transform into humans at will.

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