New Friends

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Chapter one:

New Friends ~~

Coraline's P.O.V:

"She's here" I heard Ryan whispering on the other side of the door, leaving me curious and sneaking for a glimpse on the other side

Ryan told me today that he's going to introduce me to one of his best friends that he adores the most

I was really excited and wanted to meet that mystery someone cause it'll mean a lot to Ryan if he or she actually admire me, after that I won't feel any more insecure about our friendship.

The door slowly opened, it was like the door to heaven
I took a step in, the first face I met was Ryan's who opened the door then I had to meet his friend.. Who unfortunately was

Justin Bieber ..

Don't get me wrong or anything, I don't hate Justin Bieber but he's a damn celebrity and I'm just.. NORMAL.

Of course both of them noticed me glaring like I've just seen a ghost and Justin was the one who broke my dumb moment and got me back to reality

"Hey guess you're Coraline, Ryan spoke too much about you" he forced a smile like dude I noticed you forced it
He pulled his hand out of his pocket putting it forward for a hand shake

I stayed silent.. More like shocked, I didn't move for few seconds until I realized I should actually take his hand

I kindly did that, cleared my throat, so he won't think I'm one of those crazy fangirls
I'm just shocked, no fangirling, not that obsessed of Justin Bieber anyway

"Well Ryan loves to gossip about everyone" I forced back a chuckle then turned my head around to look at Ryan who was uncontrollably smiling with a slight blush at my words

"Nah he didn't gossip" Justin stated making me face him again

"Yet" I murmured to myself

Awkwardly Justin pointed for me and Ryan to sit since it's actually his place

Ryan grabbed me from my waist and made me sit next to him

That was before Justin called him out to talk

Time for action ...


HAIIII, I know you're probably like BRUH this is not even a chapter, my five year old sister can write longer than that
Well I knoowwwww and the upcoming chapters will be waaaay longer so be ready to get bored
PLEASE don't hate too much cause this is actually my first time for this whole writing experience so I would really appreciate the good reviews and for those comments which embrace my drop points

PWEASE *puppy eyes* comment your opinion, don't forget to like AND VOTE
yup I'm asking too much
And if you're actually interested In helping me out with the story then go ahead comment down below and I'll surely accept any help.


Don't forget to give a thumb up A THUMB UP(*☻-☻*)

I update REGULARLY mostly on Saturdays and Thursdays but if I could sooner I will
I just need some support ❤️

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