CH 101. Consequence for Humanity

Start from the beginning

"I am well aware of the risk that concerns you, Antonin. For which I applaud you, and any of my followers who share this concern," He said, gliding across the scuffed marble. Looking at everyone, wand in hand, cloak floating around him like a puff of smoke. "The ancient magic I gathered all those years ago, has bonded to her better than I had hoped it would. I have found, however," he said, speaking slowly, reaching his hand forward and it hovered over Nagini. "My most loyal follower. Bellatrix, how do you see my young protege?"

"For a filthy half blood? Well, I suppose she is rather advanced, my lord. Still rather thick if you ask me," She answered him, stuttering slightly through her words. It was no secret that she held resentment for Elodie. She'd only been amongst the ranks a short period of time and already Voldemort entrusted her the way he did.

"Even those with the strongest wills, can be broken," He said, looking at the giant snake as she looked back up at him with a subtle hiss. "And made obedient."

It wasn't an easy statement. It was one that weighed like a heavy cloud over the room. From the way he spoke, to the way the mannerisms between Nagini and himself continued on so naturally.

Holding his wand in his hand, angled. Ready to fire a curse at any moment. "I think it is time we remind our guest, just where her loyalty is best served. A gentle push, as discussed."

And while I hated every moment I'd acted as a witness in that room, there was a part of me that was glad I knew that they had plans for her. Plans that went beyond her disposal. But the logical side of me, the side I'd found myself leaning heavier on as of late, knew that while they wouldn't kill her right away, they were more than capable of treating her in such a way that would make dying a better option.

"I'll bring her to you after, my lord," Auntie Bella responded obediently.

~Elodies POV~

I shut the gate of the dungeon, locking it and casting a nonverbal Mufilto. I summoned two chairs, placing one not too far from her and the other about a foot away. I took a seat in the farther one and motioned for her to take a seat as well, watching the way her eyes shifted from the chair to me, as if she believed I was setting her up.

"Go on, it's okay," I said, crossing my legs in front of me. Waiting to see what she would choose.

A moment went by, a long moment, of her just staying there, propped on her hip.

"Do you smoke?" I asked, standing and gesturing to the pack of cigarettes Dolohov or Rodolphus Lestrange must have left behind after their last interrogation. "I never picked up the habit, but often I wished I had," I said as I removed one from the pack and held it out to her.

"It's a terrible habit. Even for wizards," She said, looking up at me, a strange look settling in her eyes. "I know you Ms. Potter. I've known you since before you were born, I knew your parents. You are not like these people," She said, finally allowing me to see what the look in her eyes truly was. It was bargaining.

I took the cigarette I'd offered her, placing it back into its carton. "Are you barking mad?" I asked in a flat voice while I held her gaze before I turned to look at the gate. "Why on earth would you be lurking about Diagon alley at a time like this?" I asked, looking back at her.

Her eyebrows pulled together as she appeared to question whether I was asking a serious question in a concerned manner, or as an interrogation tactic.

"My promise as a healer has not changed simply due to the current political stance of the wizarding world," She said in a very matter-of-fact manner. "I swore to protect and aid those that were in need of medical assistance. A service I've provided to you for a long time, should you care to remember," She said, growing slightly more agitated.

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