Chapter 11

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"So...why did you do it then?" Izzie inhaled the smoke of her joint, leaning against the beam of the bridge under the stars and passing the joint to Rose who took it and shrugged.

"I don't know Iz" she sighed regretfully, "I was just scared about being with Fred, you know? Like...real feelings...and George, well we all know he isn't ready to accept that he's even slightly was just an escape I guess"

"But you hurt Fred Rosie..." Izzie stated seriously, looking her dead in the eyes, "And you hurt me for fucks sake, I didn't get to spend my birthday with my best mate"

"I know" Rose whined apologetically, "I'm sorry"

Izzie just shook her head with a huff and retrieved the joint back.

"Wait...since when did you feel hurt by anything?" Rose scoffed with a chuckle and Izzie followed and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, man. This year is just weird, I've been changing" Izzie let out an amused breath through her nose and shook her head again, looking out towards the water reflecting the stars.

"I really am sorry, Iz" Rose mumbled sadly, twiddling her fingers in her hand, "I shouldn't have done any of it"

"You shouldn't have, no" Izzie muttered back, still looking out across the lake before turning her head an rolling her eyes, "But it's fine"

"Really?" Rose asked hopefully, a small smile curling at her busted lip.

"Whatever" Izzie huffed again, passing her back the joint, "It's Fred that needs the apology, not me"

She did hate that the friend group had been falling apart. Of course she wasn't going to admit that, but she did. It just wasn't the same at dinners and in classes and the common room.

She hoped Fred would forgive Rose and George like she did, but whilst sharing a few angry words, just to stick up for himself.

She turned her head back to Rose who was now looking upon the Lake herself, Izzie's eyes catching a glimpse of something Black moving at the back of Rose's head towards the forest.

It was a wagging tail.

Her confusion turned into a huge grin as Snuffle's appeared and sent the girl in front of Izzie a suspicious and unsure look.

"No no...she's cool, this is Rose" Izzie shook her head at the dogs apprehension, patting the decking, "come on"

Rose, really concerned at Izzie's talking to herself, span her head round and saw a black shaggy dog slowly walk over to them both, sending her evils as he trotted to the side of Izzie and continued to stare at the girl suspiciously, letting out a small growl.

"Why is there a dog sat next to you?" Rose blinked a few times, looking to Izzie in complete bafflement as Izzie stroked Snuffles head and the canine continued to stare at Rose, with what she swore was, strong dislike.

"He showed up one time, and has pretty much showed up ever since...he's my therapist" Izzie chuckled, nodding to the decking for the dog to lie down, his glance still glaring at Rose.

"Why is he staring at me like that?" Rose questioned in fear, unable to take her eyes away from the beady ones.

"Oh...yeah, he doesn't like you" Izzie nodded proudly, "I told you, he's my therapist, he's knows about the whole Fred and George situation"

"But...but he's a dog" Rose questioned as if Izzie had gone mad.

"Oh no he's so much more than a dog Rosie, darling"

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