Chapter 9

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⚠ Trigger warning if you don't like the mentioning of bullying.

• • •

Nothing happened since that day that Haneul sighed in relief. Ota might have hatred for her, but she didn't do anything else aside from glaring at her.

As Haneul arrived in her classroom with Iwaizumi, she was in a good mood. However, that was quickly replaced with disgust and fear. There were a bunch of dead bloody rats inside her desk. She screamed as she scrambled away from her seat.

Her scream attracted everyone's attention that they crowded to her desk. Some gasped in shock while some looked away in disgust. "Who the hell did that?!"

"That is just so disgusting!"

"Why will they do this?"

"That's so gruesome!"

"Someone call the teacher!"

Haneul was shivering in fear as she had a hard time breathing. Iwaizumi rushed to her side and enveloped her into his arms, preventing her from seeing the sight any further. Meanwhile, her friends gathered around her and patted her back, trying to comfort her.

"Who the hell did this?!" Iwaizumi yelled in anger.

Everyone shook their heads as they had no idea who it was. They did not even see anyone going to Haneul's desk that morning. 

Soon someone rushed in along with their advisor, who had a panic look. "Haneul, are you alright?!"

When he saw her state, he told Iwaizumi to take her to the counselor. Iwaizumi nodded and helped her out. On the way there, Iwaizumi rubbed her back while Haneul continued to shiver in fear. "We'll catch the culprit."

Haneul just nodded with teary eyes.

Soon they arrived and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" The counselor said on the other side of the door.

Iwaizumi opened the door and helped her inside. The counselor turned around from her desk and her eyes widened at Haneul's state. "What's the matter?!"

When Iwaizumi explained the event, the counselor frowned before turning to Haneul. "Try to take a deep breath. Don't think about what you saw there."

Haneul shakily nodded and tried her best to remove the image she saw from her head. When she was somewhat calmer, the counselor looked at her with gentle eyes. "Do you think you can answer some questions for me?"

Haneul nodded while Iwaizumi looked at her with concern.

"Did you get into a fight with anyone in school?"

Haneul shook her head.

"Or do you have any idea who might have done that? Maybe someone who hates you?"

Haneul froze at her question.

When she noticed her reaction, she asked, "If you have anyone in mind, please do tell me. We will try to solve this problem right away."

Haneul hesitated. "I... I don't want to d-drop any names..."

The counselor gave her a reassuring smile. "It's okay. This will be between us."

Haneul licked her lips in nervousness. "Well... there is a girl in my class... O-Ota..."

"Oh, her," the counselor nodded with a sigh. "What do we do with that kid?"

"I-Is this not her f-first time...?" Haneul asked carefully.

"A lot of girls got hurt because of her..." The counselor said with a frown.

Iwaizumi sighed as he knew what was the reason behind it.

"Well, thank you for answering my questions," the counselor said. "Would you like to go home?"

Haneul thought for a moment before shaking her head. 

"Are you sure?"

When Haneul nodded her head, the counselor wrote an excused pass for Iwaizumi and Haneul before they headed to their class.

Haneul's feet felt heavy as she walked to her class with Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi stared at her in concern. "I think it's best for you to go home."

Haneul shook her head. "I-It's okay..."

Iwaizumi did not believe her words but did not push her any further.

• • •

Apparently, the news of the event spread out to the whole floor that Oikawa, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa rushed into Haneul's class with worried looks.

"Lee-chan, are you okay?!"

"Who the hell will do that to you?!"

"Why didn't you go home?!"

Haneul gave them a small smile. "It's fine..."

"You obviously aren't!" Oikawa yelled with a frown.

Haneul did not say anything and looked down. They were silent for a moment before Matsukawa mumbled lowly. "Do you think it's her...?"

Although Matsukawa was not specific with the name, the other three nodded in agreement. "Who else would it be?"

"That's true... But we don't have proof to give to the higher-ups."

"We should think of a way."

The four of them mumbled to themselves while Haneul was in a daze, not wanting to believe what just happened to her.

• • •

Although the four of them wanted Haneul to go home, she insisted on staying that she was currently in the gym with them for the club. The third years continued to glance at her in worry, that Haneul felt bad. 

"Don't worry about me and focus on your training," Haneul said with a reassuring smile. "You have inter-high soon."

At the smile she gave them, the four of them could not say anything else, but to nod.

• • •

When Haneul arrived home, she was greeted by her father like her usual days. "Haneul, my princess! How was your school today?"

When Haneul saw her father's smile, her eyes grew hot and soon she crouched on the floor as she cried the tears she has been holding. When her father saw her, he immediately rushed to her. "HANEUL, WHAT'S WRONG?!"

As her father panicked, she hugged him tightly as she felt protected in his arms. Her father did not say anything else and hugged her back. Once she was calmed down, her father handed her a glass of water. Haneul gulped the water down her throat before explaining to him the event that happened that morning. 

"Who would do that to my baby?!" Her father asked with anger.

Haneul just shook her head, not wanting to tell him who she suspects. She wanted to make sure first before telling her father. "The school said they will try to catch the culprit."

"They better be!" Her father yelled. "As soon as that person is caught, I am not letting them go off easily!"

Haneul smiled at her father's word before hugging him once again. "Thank you, dad."

Her father sighed softly as he hugged her back. "I'm always here for you."

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