Chapter 2

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The guys really thought that tonight would actually be a day where they went home Krangless.
Leaping and riding from roof top to roof top, the city remained as quiet as they did.

"Dudes! That was AWESOME!" Mikey yelled. Ok, as quiet as MOST of them were. Leo quickly shushed Mikey, chastising him again about the art of being a ninja. And quiet!
Raph normally would have agreed, but tonight he rolled his eyes.

"What for?" Raphael scoffed. "There's no one out tonight."

"You don't know that, Raph." Leo argued, patiently, before racing back to patrolling. The guys followed instinctively.

"Sometimes there just isn't anything out there." Raph, continued irritated at how they'd been running around for over 6 hours without any punching action. "Isn't there even the slightest possibility that we could be wasting our time?" He continued skirting to a stop on the latest building waiting for his brothers to meet up there.

"Actually," Donatello chimed as he reached the top, "I've been doing some calculations and have any of you guys noticed-" he waited for Mickey and Leonardo's full attention as they joined the two and circled together. "That 95% of the time we say something will absolutely NOT happen-"

All at once, the four's ears rang with a blood curdling scream. "-something does..." Donny finished lamely, in shock.

"C'mon!" Leo ordered, his katana whipped out from its sash. Lunging towards the scene, the guys spied, a blue hooded figure back into a corner by four disguised KRANG robots.
On the near side were five to six more on the side of the building, guns pointed, as either look outs or back up, they didn't know.

"That's a lot of KRANG." Mikey whispered.

"Yeah." Donny pointed out. "What are they doing here? They never have groups this big in public. You think she's another scientist?"

"We'll worry about it later. We're going to need a plan-" Leo tried, glancing at his left only to see Raphael jump off the roof with said in his grip.

"Hey, metal heads! Back off!" He shouted, trying to distract them by leading them into the street.

"Raph! We have to-" turning, Leo's eyes widened at the two spaces that once occupied Donny and Mikey were empty. Looking down, they had already started fighting along.

Leonardo slaps himself. Does NO one listen to him? "Eh, whaddya gonna do." He sighed, before releasing a battle cry. Jumping down, Leo cut two KRANG in half as the brains scurried off. "One of you go help the girl!" Leo ordered.

"I volunteer!" Donny shouted, ready and perhaps excited to be a hero for a change.
Raph scoffed as he punched a fist through the head of another bot.


"Yeah..." Mikey agreed, "Probably not a good, dude."

"Why not?!"Dontello objected

"We don't need you becoming love struck over ANOTHER girl we saved from the KRANG." Raphael said as he deflected a few more shots.Leo jumped over top Raph and knocked the gun a way from the said KRANG. Leo sent him a wary look.

"Fine!" Leo resolved, annoyed. "Why don't YOU go after her, Raphael!"

"Yeah, you're on a roll tonight." Donatello snorted derisively before knocking a KRANG bot over the head with his "stick".
Raph begrudgingly headed towards the alley, glaring at his brothers. He leaped towards the fire escape to try and see what was happening.

One had bound the girl by her hands, roughly holding her in place. Two poised guns glaring at the edge of the alley, if she tried to run, and the fourth held the most deadly weapon: a long tube of glowing mutagen. The girl squirmed and squealed belligerently, not giving up. Just as the KRANG started getting close, Raph called his attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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