"Thank god" she sighed "and thank god you're sitting next to us" Audrey turned to Julien "Aki and Max might put it together"

"I really don't think Gossip Girl was talking about you" JC said in a comforting tone 

"Optically speaking I would like to err on the side of caution" Audrey said, I knew she was really stressing out right now "proximity plus the amount of wine I'm going to need to get through this play are not a good combo"

"What are you looking for?" I asked JC who was barely paying attention, I followed her gaze and saw who she was looking for. Davis and his secret girlfriend 

I walked down the steps to the entrance of the play and the bell began to ding signaling that the play was about to start. Max ran up to me quickly and handed me a ticket taking mine out of my hand "this is your new seat" he said before running off 

"What?" I threw my arms in the air but he was already gone, what was Max up to? I walked into the theater and walked to me seat, it was obstructed view and next to some random man, I wasn't near any of my friends. I took a seat and sighed, this was going to be a long play. 


About three or four hours later I made it to the after party thing, I was exhausted and pissed off. The man sitting next to me was the loudest chewer and he had a snack for every other act. I went to the bar and ordered a Martini. I would have to find Max and yell at him a bit. 

"There you are" Audrey came over "I had the worst time ever, Max was sitting the the middle of Aki and I because of some thing he's plotting with his Dads and it was so awkward, it was a very long four hours" 

"I know" I grumbled taking a sip "I was sitting next to a guy who chews like he's trying to make a fucking earthquake" Audrey laughed 

"I hate those kinds of people" she frowned 

"Guys" Aki came over in alarm "I think there's something wrong with Max" he grabbed my arm and started pulling me "he's crying" Max Wolfe almost never cries and if he does it means something is seriously wrong. We found him and he was doing coke with tears in his eyes 

"Maxi" I wrapped my arms around him and I could feel him shaking 

"Maybe it's time to call it a night" Aki suggested 

"And why would I do that?" Max asked 

"Because you're a bit out of control" Aki said 

"That's what you like isn't it? to relinquish control or is that only with me?" what was Max talking about? "I'll tell you what, let's ask some of your other candidates"

"Max don't"

"We've got Judd, phuc, robert, oh he's cute"

"Is that, is that your phone?" Audrey asked while looking at scruff "why is that on your phone?"

"He's lying, it's his phone" Aki frowned, I knew Max wasn't lying, Max doesn't lie. ever. "he's just really fucked up right now"

"Aki" I gave him a look 

"Correct, check!" Max stood up with a wild look on his face "I am, I am outside my boundaries right now, just like both of you. in fact I am so outside that I don't know if you are going to be able to hear me when I say I am not the only one who fucked up here" He pointed to Audrey "you fucked me and you wanted too" he pointed at Aki "God, come on it's time we all stop hiding and start being who we really are right? ok no more lies only truth so I will go first as the only truth teller here, you guys you just don't do it for each other anymore, you just do me, but you can't have me, no one can have me, not even you Cat, so drop the little dream that you have of having a perfect boyfriend and a perfect life with me because it's never going to happen, I am not even here I am gone. End. Fucking. Scene. Max walked away, just like that, he just walked away. 

"Cat?" Audrey looked at me sadly "Cat I'm so-"

"It doesn't matter," I said with tears in my eyes "I should have known it would never work out" I let out a sob and quickly walked away. Gossip Girl was right, it was just another casual hook-up.

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬 (𝐌𝐚𝐱. 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now