"A gift for the lighthearted Miss Woodbury." Augusta's gaze settled on the owner of the velvet voice. It was the irksome gentleman who had announced to her that he was looking for a wife. "Henry Granville ─ a dear colleague of mine ─ painted this."

"It is very beautiful!" Hyacinth exclaimed, walking closer to the art piece.

Augusta felt another presence by her side. She was now flanked by Eloise and Benedict.

Benedict leaned nearer to her in order to whisper discreetly. "Mister Granville has made you look spiteful, Aggie."

In response, Augusta tipped her head to him, her eyes never leaving the portrait. "I believe I am innately spiteful to most, Mister. Bridgerton."

"To me, you are no such thing."

"Is that so?" She challenged with an eyebrow raised. 

"Undoubtedly, Aggie." 

The gentleman strode across the room to her, bringing the two out of their silly banter. He moved with a purpose ─ elegance and confidence undeniably in his character as he walked with his chest puffed out and his head held high (not to mention a cheeky closed mouthed smile was permanently etched on his lips). He bowed his head when he came to a halt in front of her. 

Lord Mark Wetherby, the Earl of Henstridge, had seemingly taken an interest in Augusta.

"My apologies for not telling you my name sooner, Miss Woodbury." He informed her, his gaze never straying away from hers. "I was quite distracted with your beauty and grace."

Augusta inwardly sighed in apathy. At present, she did not need the words of an arrogant gentleman (that might as well be considered a hoax) or her attention to be wooed with an expensive painting that accompanied a bouquet of roses.

"I wish to acquaint ourselves better." Lord Wetherby continued with a hopeful disposition. "Perhaps at the opening of the new wing at the Somerset House?"

"Perhaps not, my lord." Augusta replied sharply ─ all but immediately. "As what I understand from our brief meeting," The smirk disappeared from lips. "You are looking for a wife. I am not her because I am not looking for a husband." The governess let her eyes roam over his figure for a split second, her mind wandering back to the sight of his neck covered in blue. "Besides, I am not fond of gentlemen to be covered with paint in the most peculiar places."

"Pardon me." Augusta linked her arm with Eloise's'. "I have a brilliant young lady to educate." She strutted away, her chin held high. 

Meanwhile, Benedict was guffawing at the scene in front of him: the speechless Earl of Henstridge, his mama shaking her head, and Eloise's' echoing question of what did you mean by peculiar places, Miss Woodbury? to Aggie. 

Of course, he was boisterously laughing on the inside for his mama would scold him for such behavior.

Lord Wetherby turned to him, hands firmly clasped behind his back. "Mister Bridgerton, what is your judgment on the painting?"

Benedict tipped his head to the side as he stared at the artwork displayed in their drawing room. Physically, it was his friend ─ he considered Aggie to be his friend, okay? ─ but the whole aura of the painting was a tad bit. . .dull. He chose his next words carefully for he was not normally asked of his opinion about other artist's work.

"It seems like the subject has no spirit in your friend's work." Benedict informed the Earl, his gaze never straying away from the portrait. "As what you just witnessed, Lord Wetherby, she is in no way a dull lady."

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