The Incident

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A colony of eyes followed Zoe everywhere she went. It started to really piss her off, even to the point where she started glaring right back at them, causing an endless cycle of what looked like a huge staring contest.

On this particular occasion, a boy named Xavier Higglepuff had spread a rumour that Zoe was planning a 'mass murder' in school, and that Potter was her first target. Instead of denying this statement like the average person and maybe reporting him to the headmaster, Zoe attacked him in the middle of the corridor and hexed his throat, causing his oesophagus to shrink and close up, restricting his air flow. Causing the poor boy to sink slowly to the floor gasping for air.

Zoe bent down and whispered in his ear "If I were to kill anyone, your ugly ass would be first, so I'd watch my back if I were you." She then turned around and faced the crowd of shocked students. Finally releasing the hex, she allowed Higglepuff to breathe once more.

Everyone who was frozen around her, terrified, gradually shuffled back to create a pathway allowing her to leave, praying to God that they wouldn't be next.

As she walked away, face down in regret of what just happened, she tilted her head up to see Malfoy grinning ear to ear, leaning against a pillar. He reached out, grabbing her wrist and pulling her closer to him, leaving barely any room between each of their faces. "That's definitely a months worth of detentions at the least. You'd be lucky if you didn't get expelled. Now we wouldn't want that would we?" He whispered, eyebrows raised, looking sideways down the corridor and down at Zoe again. She turned to see what he was staring at, to watch Xavier sprinting up to Mcgonagall, panting and spitting as he retold the recent events.

"Fuck." she mumbled under her breath, just as Draco let go of her wrist, walking away grinning, while Mcgonagall's footsteps boomed louder and louder down the corridor toward Zoe.

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