Chapter 3

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"I missed you so much Meg." Boba picked her up and spun her around, Omega laughing, her tears disappearing.

Abruptly, a shot was fired at the siblings from the top of one of the buildings that flanked the alley. Boba swiftly dropped Omega behind him and blasted the bounty hunter off the roof.

"Omega!" Hunter's worried voice rang through the air.

"Who was that?" Boba asked.

Before she could explain, the rest of the Bad Batch appeared at the mouth of the alley, blasters drawn. Upon seeing them, Boba instantly put his helmet back on and aimed his weapon at the squad.

"Get away from her." Hunter warned venomously.

"Back off skull-face, she's mine." Boba growled.

Terrified of losing someone, Omega ran in between the two warriors. "Dad, it's okay. He's a clone, like us."

"Dad?" "Him?" Boba and Hunter spoke simultaneously.

"Bo, take your helmet off." Omega urged.

"How do I know your father won't shoot me in the face?" Boba drawled.

"He won't. None of them will." Omega gave her family a stern look.

"But- "Wrecker started.

"Trust me." Omega pleaded.

Reluctantly, the clones lowered their blasters. Satisfied, Boba holstered his weapon and removed his helmet.

Positive that they weren't going to kill each other, Omega dashed towards Hunter and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you're alright," she murmured.

Hunter softened and embraced his daughter. "I'm glad you're safe."

Boba approached the group and cleared his throat.

"Oh right." Omega pulled away from Hunter and stood beside him. "Bo, meet Clone Force 99, my family. This is my father, Hunter, he's our leader. The big guy is Wrecker, he's our explosives expert. The one with the metal arm is Echo and he used to be a reg, but now he's with us, and that's Tech. He's really smart and remembers everything. Bad Batch, this is my brother, Boba."

Boba gave them a welcoming nod.

"The other pure genetic replication of Jango Fett?" Tech asked.

"Yep." Boba confirmed.

"What are you doing here?" Omega asked.

"Being a bounty hunter. My team and I were hired to eliminate you guys. None of us were aware Meg was with you, I just saw her running away from Hunter and thought she was escaping."

"Glad you realised who she was in time." Echo spoke up.

"Let's get you back to Cid's," Wrecker scooped up his niece and carefully placed her on one of his broad shoulders. The large clone looked at the young clone. "Wanna come with us?"

"Please! I want to beat you in dejarik for the first time! I've gotten really good." Omega begged.

Boba grinned. "You're skilled Meg, but I doubt you've improved enough to best me!"


"No, no, no! Dank Farrik!" Boba cursed as Omega's piece removed his final pawn.

"Dank Farrik? What does that mean?" Omega asked innocently.

"It's not something kids your age should say. Boba shouldn't have said that in front of you." Hunter glared at him from his position behind Omega.

"Oh, okay."

Diverting his gaze from Hunter, Boba smiled for his sister. "Congrats on your win Megs."

"Thanks Bo." Omega hopped down from her seat and quickly cuddled Boba before running off to inform her uncles of her victory.

"You need to be more careful about what you say around her." Hunter advised.

Boba snorted. "It was an accident. Besides, what makes you think I'll listen to you?"

"I'm asking you to do it for Omega." Hunter pointed out.

"Fine, I'll be more cautious. Thanks for the tip." Boba said, switching off the holographic game. "By the way, I don't think you four are qualified to look after my Meg, so tomorrow morning she's leaving with me."

"What? No, Omega is staying here with us. We're capable of protecting her." Hunter argued.

Boba rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. She would've been killed earlier if I hadn't shown up."

"But she wasn't. Omega stays with us, this is where she belongs."

"How do you know where she belongs? You're not her father." Boba sneered.

Clearly, he'd hit a nerve as Hunter briefly averted his eyes.

"I know I'm not her father by blood. But Omega sees me as such, and she's always been my daughter."

"Jango Fett was her father."


"He was murdered by Mace Windu at the beginning of the Clone Wars." The image of his father's decapitated body lying on the dusty floor in the arena flashed in his mind. "Meg doesn't have a father."

"Dad! Dad, look at this!" Omega burst out of Cid's office and dashed towards Hunter; she shoved a datapad into his hands.

Chuckling quietly, Hunter read the information. His smile quickly vanished, and his eyes grew wider. The rest of Clone Force 99 and their snarky Trandoshan partner Cid all poured out of her office.

"Is this true?" Hunter glanced at Cid.

"Yes Bandana, my sources are very reliable," Cid promised. "The Jedi kid you're after is there."

"Jedi kid?" Boba shot a look at Hunter. "I thought all Jedi were exterminated."

"It's highly likely that a few Jedi were able to survive the ordeal." Tech predicted.

"Why are you after a Jedi kid?" Boba demanded.

"I let a Padawan escape Order 66 when the war ended. We want to make sure he stays alive," Hunter explained, handing the datapad to Tech. "Nice meeting you Boba. Boys, let's go."

"Can I come with you?" Boba requested.

"Why?" Hunter asked.

"A Mandalorian could be useful, and I want to make sure Meg stays safe." Boba replied.

"Please can Bo come with us? Please, please, please, please!" Omega turned to Hunter and switched to a familiar facial expression, one that she often used on Boba to convince him to sneak her out of her room on Kamino.

Apparently, Hunter wasn't immune to her charm either. "Fine, he can come. You win."

"Yes! Thanks Dad!" Omega grabbed Boba's hand and dragged him towards the parlour exit. "I'll give you a full tour of the Havoc Marauder, that's our ship's name."

"As much as I would love that, I've got my own ship."

Crestfallen, Omega dropped his arm. "Oh, okay."

"Where are we going?" Boba called to the Bad Batch, unsure who he was specifically talking to.

"Kaller, the Padawan's last known location." Tech answered.

*Author Note*

Here's the third chapter, hope you liked it. The Padawan will be in the next chapter. Not sure when I'll update, probably in a couple of weeks. May the Force be with you!

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