Sand exile

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Year 93 of the sand exile
I am Y/N L/N I am currently working alongside Chakuro so as him and I hope we can keep records of the things that happen. We wish to find out things aswell like 'how does the mud whale not sink?' and 'why do the marked live less long then the unmarked?'  Speaking of being marked or unmarked, I am one of the marked so I am expected to die in my late twenties or early thirties. I am 15 years old, only a year older than Sami and Chakuro.
Before I started working with Chakuro I was a member of the Moles and because of that I had been sent to the internal more times than I can count.

My parents are both unmarked and are part of the committee of elders which means most of the time I am home alone while they are doing their important duties. Though my "parents" are actually my grandparents my real parents were marked and died early.

When my parents died I was 4 years old and I was forced to send them off to the see of sand. I can remember when having to send off my parents someone said to me "if you cry you will upset the souls in the sand and you will die sooner." And so I didn't cry or show emotion. Even though I wanted to cry I should have known this was coming and even though I was four at the time I blame myself for not being able to see that death was inevitable for everyone it doesn't matter if you are marked or unmarked you will die at some point.

"Hey Y/N how much have you wrote today?" Chakuro asked with his normal kind tone. "Oh I didn't write much but it did hurt my hand a lot." I said smiling and shanking my hand so it could possibly feel better. "Y/N you did good I'm glad that you were able to write this much!" Chakuro said smiling and I slightly blushed "thank you!" I exclaimed happily. To be honest I had a crush on Chakuro but I knew Sami liked him so I made sure never to do anything about it because I love Sami so much she is like a little sister to me.

I started packing up my things to return home but Chakuro stopped me "Tomorrow we are going to see that floating island that has appeared." He reminded me "yeah I know. Anyway good night Chakuro sleep well." I said while walking out the door. I exited the home that Chakuro lives in and looked up at the starry sky. I couldn't help but smile while looking at the stars.

I often wonder what it would be like to be a star and being able to be away from it all watching everything from a distance. If I were a star I wouldn't be included in drama I would just be something people admire and wonder what their life would be like as one. I didn't realize my mind was drifting again and I pulled myself together and face palmed myself. I started walking home and when I arrived I was pleased to see my grandparents there. Dirty plates were on the table and I knew it was my turn to wash the dishes so I grabbed them and began cleaning the dishes.

After a while I finished working on the dishes and I went straight to bed eager for the next days mission to arrive.

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