"Of course he did.." Sora mumbled, laying back down on the floor. "Could you get me a notebook and pen from my study please? Seeing as i cant move around, it would help a lot."

Giyu nodded, standing up and making his way to Soras study. He returned a moment later, a notebook and pen in his hand. Sora thanked him and took the items as Giyu sat back down beside her.

She started scribbling whatever she had memorized in her vision, drawing rough diagrams and lists quickly. She would have time to correct them and make them look more manageable later on.

Giyu just watched her, unable to see what she was writing, but still intrigued. She looked very focused on whatever she was writing down, and he was itching to see what it could be.

Eventually Sora sighed and closed the notebook, placing it down on the floor to her left. She stretched out her arms, looking outside. It seemed to be close dinner time, and she didn't have an idea as to what Giyu would want.

"When will i be able to get up again? I have things that need to be done." Sora asked, and Giyu sighed lightly.

"I suppose you could now, but you have to be careful and sit down if you get dizzy." He said, and Sora chuckled. He was treating her like she was dying.


Sora had heard Tengen and the others had been brought to the butterfly estate earlier that night, and she was nervous.

"Its almost 5am, why are you awake?" Giyu asked, still tired. It was really early in the morning, and he wasn't fully awake yet.

"Tengen was brought to the butterfly estate a couple hours ago, and im nervous.." Sora mumbled, pacing. Giyu sighed, before getting an idea. He stood up, making his way to the kitchen.

A little time passed, and Giyu placed something at the table. He called Sora over, and she entered with a confused look on her face. She spotted her favourite snack on the table, and she smiled thankfully.

She and Giyu sat at the table, eating the food he had whipped together quickly. He was a decent cook, and Sora was sort of surprised. He never really seemed like the cooking type, but she wasn't one to judge. It was delicious, and it calmed her nerves like he had intended.

"This isn't the ideal food to eat for breakfast, but i assume it helped calm your nerves?" He asked, helping Sora wash the dishes in the kitchen. She nodded, finishing up the last of the dirty dishes.

The two of them left the kitchen and Sora went to sit outside, Giyu following behind her. They sat on the deck, watching the stars slowly fade away into the sunrise. The dark blue faded in with the orange and pink hues, making the sky look like a rainbow.

"Did you get any sleep?" Giyu asked suddenly, breaking the silence. Sora wanted to lie and say she did, but she couldn't bring herself to it.

"No, i was working on something for most of the night.." Sora answered after a moment, recalling what she had been doing. She had tidied up her notes and whatnot about the final fight with Muzan, and she didn't have much time to sleep. Giyu sighed, but didn't say anything.

They sat in silence once more; but it wasn't awkward. It was soothing, staring at the sky as the sun rose. The wind was light and barely there, but it carried the scent of blood, breaking the calm silence. Both slayers looked at each other, and Giyu got up.

"You stay here, your hand is still healing." He said, entering the estate and stepping back outside a moment later with his sword. Sora sighed, setting her chin on her hand while watching as Giyu glanced back at her once more before sprinting off towards the smell.

Sora looked at her palm, unwrapping the bandages slowly and looking at the stitches. It was healing really well, and the cut looked disgusting, but she still couldn't use the hand too much.

If she wanted to use the full extent of rainbow breathing, she would need custom gloves made to protect her hand.

A little while passed, and Giyu finally returned. The sun had risen, the orange glow settling over his dark hair as he made his way up the steps to the rainbow estate. Sora had stayed seated where she had been before he left, just enjoying the sunrise.

"What happened?" Sora asked, as Giyu sat back down beside her. He rested his sword to the left of him, leaning back on the palms of his hands.

"It was just an accident; a little girl had fallen from a tree while trying to grab something and she got cut up pretty badly. I assisted her back home, she is fine now." Giyu said, and Sora nodded. It wasn't a demon attack, which is good. If it was, they would need to sweep the whole forest around the estates to make sure no one would get hurt.

Unlike the other estates, Soras home wasn't fully surrounded by wisteria trees. She did have a couple of them, but it didn't stretch around fully. Normally, Sora would be able to get rid of the demons, or Koi would as well.

"You should get some rest." Giyu said, getting up. Sora got up as well, following him into the estate. He was right, and Sora was getting pretty tired.

"Goodnight- er.. yeah. Goodnight, Tomioka." Sora smiled, and Giyu nodded with a slight smile tugging at his lips.

Stars and Rainbows ~ Demon Slayer fanficWhere stories live. Discover now