Chapter 3 - Thankyou

Start from the beginning

Ruka giggled at her little sister and patted her head "next time don't go running off again, and stop colouring rocks like eggs" she lightly scolded earning more bewilderment, even from Hayato who's face din't really show it. "You're not gonna scold her more for running off like that?" To their questions dismay she shook her head.

"I knew she ran off and got that rock, i was watching her incase anyone's trying anything funny i'll drop kick their fu-"

"Keep your voice down!"

"Fine fine, i'll drop kick their pancakes and butcher chop their sushi rolls" she said with a voice so calm and bright it scared Ryuuichi. "Hard to believe a girl with your appearance is one hell of a blood shedder"

Hayato blankly remarked earning a devilish smirk that was masked by a cute smile from the blue haired girl "Aww so you're calling me beautiful?" she puppy eyed at him to his dismay he shook his head!

"You look ugly, so ugly that it's hard to believe that" Ryuuichi panicked because he can see the storm of Mount flipping Everest blowing behind Ruka 'God, that is one cold and angry smile' he sweats as Hayato stared at her blankly.

"don't worry Kamitani, I know your just one of those silly tsundere guys. I totally get it" She said slapped his back like "Thwack". 'T-that that's got to hurt' Ryuuichi thought but yet Hayato can still keep a straight face "Whatever Handa" he said and got up. "Come on we need to go to class"

"Usaida-san~ don't sleep on the job, anything happens to Hachi i'll kill you, kay bye~" The man shivered and nodded soon the three teenagers went to class, the news of Ruka almost committing arson in the academy grounds is still fresh and hot.

Hayato and Ruka sat beside each other as Ryuuichi sits in front of them, the class was still mortified at the fact that the new angel of Morinomiya academy turns out to be the next Manny fucking Pacquiao.

The whole class is actually afraid of approaching the girl for the sole reason is they don't want to be the next person in the fighting ring. Soon the classes came and gone with Ruka fiddling around scribbling on her note book.

She drew a little girl with long hair that had a beautiful flower crown around her head, stood proud in the middle of a flower field. She smiled at the drawing and the upcurve did not go unnoticed by Hayato, for some reason something in him told to smile along with her.

But instead of listening to that little voice he pulled her book to her and wrote 'Nice drawing, another thing im surprised of' he handed her book back with a blank face getting an equally blank look.

'There are many things you don't know about me Kamitani' she gave the 'stick your tounge out emote' to him. 'Yeah whatever Handa' the two started conversing through paper, the classes passed and it was already lunch time.

"Alright day 7 of looking for my savior" Ruka cracked her knuckles and slammed her book shut "Savior?" Ryuuichi asks as they stood up and left the class along with Hayato "Yeah, he really saved my butt back at the chairlady's office. the least i can do is thank him"

she said with a smile that was contagious that made the red head smile as well "Do you know his or hers name?" but to his dismay she din't even remember the name of who saved her! "i think it was in the lines of Inoki Hitotsuyuki?"

"I have no idea who that is" Ryuuichi sweats ad Hayato turned "No idea, i'll be going to play basball" he ran off leaving the two of them "Well i need to go to the daycare, I can excuse you for lunch break" Ruka nodded in appreciation and they parted for the time being.

"Alright alright, senior highschool building here i come" she made her way to the senior highschoolers building and immediately got the same stares as she got at the junior highschools building. "I remember him having a bad reaction towards blood?.. that's not going to help me find him"

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