"Nobody should be awake, huh?"

"Shut up, smartass."

"I'm going to tell them today," I told Draco later that morning in an empty classroom after I had sent him one of our signals during breakfast.

"Today?" he asked, laying his head on my lap.


Draco nodded. "Okay. When?"

"After the match," I said, stroking his hair absentmindedly. "I think it's time."

"You think it's time?" Draco asked. "Are you sure?"

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Like are you sure? You don't feel pressured to? I know Weasley's your friend, and I don't know what he told you, but you don't have to tell anyone if you're not ready yet."

"I'm ready to tell everyone everything," I said. "I really am. Fred's reaction made me realize that it's time. Sure, they might be mad, but it's time. They should be happy for me, right?"

He nodded. "They should be. They will be."

Both of us knew that the likelihood of everyone being as understanding as Fred was slim to none. With Ron's opinions, Harry's temper, and Hermione's stubbornness, it was very unlikely.

But it was going to be fine. It had to be fine.

He pressed a kiss to my cheek. "It's going to be okay, Peppermint."

I smiled at the nickname. "Let's not talk about it anymore. I just want to enjoy what will probably be our last peaceful moment."

"Excited for the match today?" he asked, lacing his fingers with mine.

"Yup," I said with a grin. "Excited to lose?"

He snickered. "Very funny, Pepper. I'll have you know that Warrington's been making us train insane hours for this match."

"Scrimmage," I corrected. "And I think you'll be surprised with what we've pulled together."

"I haven't even seen you lot at the pitch once," he said. "Where have you been practicing?"

"Sorry," I said. "Top-secret."

He groaned. "Tell me!"

I wanted to tell him—I did. But I knew I couldn't tell him about the Room of Requirement without revealing the D.A. to him, which is something I couldn't do thanks to the bewitched parchment I signed. Hermione had proudly told Harry, Ron, and I that it was jinxed against all snitches, and that it would take into effect if we told any teacher, and her least favorite people—Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle.

I trusted Draco not to tell Umbridge about the D.A. He may not care about the others, but he cared about me, which meant he'd keep his mouth shut. But because of the bloody piece of paper, I couldn't tell him, and I was forced into silence. I knew that when I did tell him, however, he'd understand.


"Fine," he moped. "How about a kiss instead?"

I tapped my finger against my chin. "I don't know about that."

"Come on," he said, puckering his lips in a comical way. "Just one."


"A small one."

"What will you give me in return?" I asked cheekily, standing up and walking away from him. "Money? Jewelry? Books?"

"Whatever you want," he said, scrambling to follow me. "I'll get you whatever the hell you want."

PeppermintWhere stories live. Discover now