"The Arcane Order has been putting an army of shadow creatures together, and they're quite formidable. I barely escaped with Nari last time. I came back to ask for all of your help. I can't do this alone." He looks away ashamed almost as if he failed us by returning to the place he left to protect us.

"We're glad your back and are willing to help" Jim spoke even with the fear in his eyes being noticeable.

"Is there anyone else we can count on for help? I mean no offense but we're gonna need some extra help" Toby spoke while Steve nodded ferociously.

"Well I can call Strickler" Jim speaks up.

"I'll find Krel so we can contact Aja!" Steve says happily while he dreams of seeing his girlfriend again.

"That's great! Is there anyone else we can contact?"

"Well..." I start to say before freezing. Is this really a good idea? For all I know Cassandra could be busy!

"Yes?" Blinkus looks at me expectantly which causes everyone else to now stare at my frozen form. Cassandra...she always says she's on vacation, but I'm getting the feeling she is just hiding something bigger under that. Either way it's worth a shot.

"I think I know who to get to help us.Her name is Cassandra"

"Who!?" The whole gang seems to say at once.

"I'm finally going to meet your crazy mentor?" Douxie says deep in thought. I ignore his response and take out a magic caller. I type in Cassandra's number and wait for her to arrive.

"Wait, isn't she the devil lady that Merlin always used to ramble about." Archie says suddenly worried.

"Devil lady!?" Why would you call me a devil?" Steve shrieks while Claire simply shakes her head.

"I'm definitely not a saint but "Devil" is taking it a bit too far." Douxie jumps at the sudden sarcastic remark but I just roll my eyes. Cassandra emerges from a dark corner in the bookstore. Almost immediately everyone gets ready to fight.

"Would you mind calling off the guard dogs?"

"Stand down, this is who I called in for help. Meet Cassandra." The others blink before slowly dropping their weapons but not their guard.

"JULIET! I'm so glad you summoned me! I've missed you!" Cassandra pulls me into a sudden big hug which sets everyone off again. I sigh while Douxie calms them down. Even in this predicament though I can't help but smile.

"Who are you, and where did you come from!" Steve says utterly bewildered.

"I'm the one who should be asking that. Julia who are these... cretins " the last word is laced with poison and dread that ticks me off greatly.

"These are my friends, not cretins"

"My, your taste has gotten worse. Well what have you called for this time?" She looks at her nails and picks at them almost as if she can't feel the tension in the room.

"We need your help Cass. The Arcane order is trying to plunge the world into basically being reborn by their standards with everyone besides them wiped out"

"And what does that have to do with me?" I freeze.

"What does this have to do with you? WHAT. DOES. THIS. HAVE. TO. DO. WITH. YOU!? IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. IF YOU DON'T HELP US YOU WILL DIE TOO! AND THAT MEANS NO MORE EARTH OR OTHER OF YOUR WEIRD DIMENSIONS!" I snap as I'm reminded of Cassandra's annoying nonchalant attitude. The others look at me like I've grown another head. Douxie concerned. I almost feel embarrassed for yelling in front of them. Almost.

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