Pt 2

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Straight to the story cause I am exited to write this and get the angst out of the way. I suck at making angst TvT.


3rd POV

Tsu looked in horror at what she saw in the mirror. It was almost un/recognizable. Her eyes were all red and puffy, and she had bloody bandages wrapped all along her jaw and mouth area. What happened to me? Tsuyu ran her hands along the bandages as tears formed in her eyes again.just then she noticed bits of dirt on her hand.

What's that? She thaught to herself. Probably just some mud from when... she let a tear fall down her bandage covers cheek. She shook her head convincing herself to let it go. What's past is past she thaught to herself.

Tsuyu was very mature in her words for the age of 4. (Yea no sheet Sherlock)

Tsu walked through the doorway, in which she was standing, to the sink. She pumped some soap on her hand and started the tap. She scrubbed and scrubbed at the mud on her wrist but it just wouldn't come off.

"TSUYU??!!!" She heard a voice call. Most likely a female. "WHERE ARE YOU?" She heard the person call again.

Tsu turned around and slowly walked to the feminine voice. As she made it there she looked at the woman with big eyes. She looks kind Tsu trued to give the woman a smile, but was stopped by the restricting bandages.

"Oh my." The woman said. Tsu looked at her as she walked up to Tsu. She must be a nurse! Tsu thaught as she examined the tag on her blue pagans looking uniform. "Your bandages are all bloody. Here, sit down so that I can replace them."

Tsu sat obediently as she waited. The woman pulled out some clean bandages walked back over to Tsu. The woman had began to unravel the bandages from tsuyu's face when her parents appeared in the doorway. Tsu started to speak. "Ma-" she was cut off by the nurse. "Don't speak darling, it will make it harder to take the bandages off." Then the woman smiled a faint smile and greeted the little girls parrents.

"How will he mouth be?" Her mother asked.

"Well it will have permminent scarring, and you will have to keep the bandages on for a while. But she should be fine."

A sigh of relief came from both her mother and father.



Srry the chapter is short TvT I rlly didn't know what to put here but, yes, Tsu did get a soulmate mark on her wrist. You'll get to know more later hehe 😈


not rlly TvT

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