"What the hell is he talking about Ty?" Matt asked Tyler. "Nothing man just ignore him he's a punk," Tyler told him. "You know what, how about you all shut up and help me find my sister and Allison? I last saw Allison walking into the Grill and I haven't seen Vicki since earlier." Matt said. "We'll check the back," Bonnie said. "I'll check the square." "I'll come with you," Jeremy told Matt starting to walk away but Elena grabbed his arm and dragged him with her.

"Oh no, no, no. You're coming with me. So that's your game now, dealing?" Elena asked him. "I'm not dealing," Jeremy told her. "I'm sick of the tough love speech, Jer. It's clearly having no impact." "You and Jenna between the two of you-" "We can stop if you want. Send you to a therapist where you'll be forced to deal with it or to rehab where you'll sit in a group and tell some stranger how your life fell apart. Or you could talk to me." Elena told him. "I choose none of the above," Jeremy told her then walked out.

"Oww, I'm going to kill Damon," Allison said as she woke up. She walked out of the bathroom and bumped into Elena. "Oh my god, there you are. Are you okay?" Elena asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine. What's wrong?" Allison asked her. "We can't find Vicki," Elena told her.

"Okay, I'll check outside," Allison said as she heard Damon was on top of the roof with Vicki. Allison walked outside and then looked both ways before speeding up to the roof. As she got onto the roof Stefan had joined her as well. "Not bad have you been eating bunnies? And Allison how's the neck?" Damon asked his siblings. "Let her go, Damon," Stefan told him. "Shh really? Ok." Damon said and dangled Vicki to the edge of the roof.

"No!NO!" Vicki exclaimed. "Relax." "Uhh." Vicki and Damon said as she was pushed towards Stefan and Allison. "What's happening?" Vicki cried as she stayed on the floor. "I don't need her to be dead but.. you might," Damon told Stefan. "What attacked you the other night?" Damon asked Vicki. "I don't know an animal," Vicki said turning to look at Damon. "Are you sure about that? Think. Think about it really hard. What attacked you?" Damon asked. "A vampire," Vicki said backing up.

"Who did this to you?" Damon asked her. "You and she did!" Vicki said pointing to Damon and Allison. "Wrong!" Damon told her. "Don't!" Stefan said. "It was Stefan. come here." Damon said as he grabbed Vicki from the floor and then stared into her eyes to compel her. "Stefan Salvatore did this to you." "Stefan Salvatore did this to me," Vicki repeated Damon's words. "He's a vampire. A vicious murderous monster." Damon said continuing to compel her.

"Please, Damon. Please don't do this." Stefan pleaded. "If you couldn't fix it before, I don't know what you can do now," Damon told him then took the bandage off Vicki's neck and revealed she was bleeding.

Damon then pushed her to Stefan. "Stefan no! Even though she was a bitch to me you can't kill her!" Allison yelled at him. "Your choice of lifestyle has made you weak. A couple of parlor Vampire tricks are nothing compared to the power that you could have, that you now need. But you can change that. Human blood gives you that." Damon said. "No!" Vicki cried. "Stefan no!" Allison told him. 

Stefan pushed Vicki away from him and she landed on the floor again.  "You have two choices. You can feed and make her forget. Or you can let her run, screaming 'vampire' through the town square."  Damon told Stefan as he tried to control his thirst.  "That's what this is about? You want to expose me?" Stefan asked. "No! I want you to remember who you are!" Damon exclaimed. "Why? So what I can feed? So I'll kill. So I'll remember what it's like to be family again? You know what let her go. Let her tell everyone that vampires have returned to Mystic Falls. Let them chain me up, let them drive a stake through my heart because at least all be free of you." Stefan told Damon.

"All right enough," Allison said and made Damon and Stefan have an aneurysm. "Come here, Vicki," Allison said and she bent down. "No!" Vickie cried. "It's okay I'm not going to hurt you, even though I kinda want to," Allison said quietly then compelling her to forget. 

When Allison finished compelling her she stood up and stopped giving them an aneurysm. "What happened? Where am I? Oh, I ripped my stitches open. Ahh." Vicki said. "You ok?"  Stefan asked her.  "I took some pills, man. I'm good." Vicki said getting up and leaving them. "It's good to be home. Think I might stay awhile don't you think Allison? This town can use a wake-up call, Don't you think?" Damon asked.

"I am staying but first I have to do something," Allison said walking up to Damon and snapping his neck. "That's for snapping my neck asshole." Allison glared at him. "What are you guys up to Allison?" Stefan asked her. "That's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot. Frankly, I don't trust you yet so I can't let you know. You can just leave him there." Allison said speeding away.

Allison sat in the grill by the bar. She watched as Vicki talked to Tyler. She turned her head and saw Jeremy watching them with a frown. She paid for her drink and then started to leave. "Allison wait!" Jeremy yelled at her. "What Jeremy?" She asked him. "Look about earlier.." Jeremy started to say but she cut him off. "Look can we deal with this tomorrow I'm tired. I'll see you at school." She said kissing his cheek then going outside and making sure nobody was looking before she sped away.

Finally updated :p

The Rose and it's Thorn|Jeremy GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now