𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫

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"he's waiting for you in the dining table

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"he's waiting for you in the dining table."

the birds were chirping just outside the window with the sun barely peeling from the horizon. it was a cool morning, she noted after showering when she found the windows already opened to let the fresh air in. it started off peaceful, like most mornings, but kotoe soon came to the realization that that morning will be anything but quiet when she recalled that kuusuke was there to practically taunt her.

she began the pacing back and forth her twin's room after putting on her uniform once she rolled the futon, trying to find a way to get the cheesecake from the fridge without having to see eye-to-eye kuusuke. which seemed totally impossible, by the way, even when she woke up extra early that morning, she was still greeted with kusuo updating her with different ways kuusuke was ready for her on the first floor.

"we can't teleport," she pressed her hand against her chin. "you need to wait three minutes to use that power again, so we'll keep that one and use it to go to school—"

"how much do you think the cheesecake costed for kuusuke?" kusuo swiftly interrupted her gushing, after speaking a silent good grief, and kotoe tilted her head.

what on earth was he. . .


kusuo's apportion ability—an ability that kotoe forgot even existed for him—where he is able to transport a certain object through time and space at the expense of something else with the same cost.

"1000 yen, maybe?" kotoe gasped and paddled over to crouch just by her tennis bag where she pulled out her worn-down wallet, slipping a bill of 1000 yen with her two fingers before pausing. the skin on her forehead wrinkled as she brought the paper money closer before sighing softly. "this is all i have for the rest of the week. . ."

kotoe closed her eyes, damning herself quietly. she would obviously need the money to buy food during her practice sessions, and so it would be slightly vain to be switching it with the cheesecake in the fridge. kotoe could run down and quickly grab the bag, but kuusuke would definitely not be letting her leave his sight once she enters his vicinity.

the gears in her head turned.

she did have a secret stash in her room, but she was planning on buying new tennis shoes, and those don't come very cheap.

maybe she shouldn't get the cake. . .

but she had promised kuboyasu that she would be bringing the cheesecakes, and that they would eat together, just the two of them. . . and if kotoe was being honest? she was looking forward to it too. kuboyasu had a scary aura around him, and she hopefully thought that the boys surrounding her during lunch would be fended off by his sharp glare. she could actually enjoy a good time with him, an actual conversation without any academic values.

"you can take your money in the fridge after getting home from school," kusuo suggested—he must have saw the contemplative gaze she held in her eyes—and kotoe frowned.

"i have practice today," she sat on the floor in frustration, palm rubbing on the side of her head in frustration. "why did nii-chan had to come yesterday?"

"you were excited for him," kusuo pointed out the hypocrisy in her words and kotoe scoffed.

"yeah!" she almost yelled. "before realizing that he was close to blasting my group mate with a freaking flamethrower!"

"group mate," kusuo repeated with a mocking tone, and kotoe glared up at him.

"good grief," he said, standing up from his position on the bad and kotoe almost took one shoe off and threw it at his direction.

"don't good grief me!" she shrieked, watching him walk over to his desk.

"do you have 500 yen?" he asker, ignoring her complaints, and kotoe huffed.


kusuo did not respond. instead, he opened the first drawer of his study desk. kotoe tilted her head, raising her body to get a better view of what he could be doing when he finally turned around, between his index and middle finger were two coins of a total sum of 1000 yen.


before kotoe could finish her exclaim of gratitude and touch, the two coins on his hand disappears, and was replaced with the box of cheesecake—complete with the thick plastic bag to hold it the black carton—hanging off his fingers.

kotoe wanted to slap herself for acting like a brat.

she automatically got on her knees, pressing her forehead against the wooden floor in a dramatic fashion; both her palms were planted on either side of her head.

"i am eternally grateful for your assistance, o' great kusuo."

when she decided to peek, kotoe ended up breaking her character and giggled at the way kusuo scrunched his nose, eyes lamenting her overreaction.

"stop that," he stuck his tongue out, barely. "you're disgusting me."

𝗢𝗢𝗚𝗢𝗘 𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗗────── k. aren x original characterWhere stories live. Discover now