Kiji Mitsuba: You mean it gets worse?!

Rokuriki Daisen: You'll see. He'll probably start spamming random ass shit on here soon

Kenshirou Yozakura: Like what exactly?

Kokoriki Daisen: 🙃🙃🙃

Youriki Daisen: Don't even fucking think about it you little shit. Also get off the fridge

Kokoriki Daisen: Make me!!

Rokuriki Daisen: Ko, you wanna watch The Ring?

Kokoriki Daisen: Yes!!!

Kiji Mitsuba: Is that the one where you watch something and then die in seven days?!

Kokoriki Daisen: YES!!

Rokuriki Daisen: We started watching it when it was Netflix, then they took it off and we never finished it

Hajime Sugoroku: How are you gonna watch it then?

Kokoriki Daisen: We found a website

Kokoriki Daisen is offline
Rokuriki Daisen is offline

Kenshirou Yozakura: How do you deal with them?!

Youriki Daisen: I've had to put up with them for 25 years, I'm used to their shenanigans and chaotic behavior at this point

Samon Gokuu: I don't...

Inori Hakkai: It's bad when Kokoriki decides it's a good idea to put songs on loud and do whatever the hell he does at crack ass stupid o'clock times in the morning

Youriki Daisen: It'll be even worse if Rokuriki was up with him

Hajime Sugoroku: How?

Youriki Daisen: They used to wake me up sometimes and I felt like murdering them

Kiji Mitsuba: Your younger brothers can be little demons when they want to be...

Kenshirou Yozakura: I'm afraid to ask, but how did those two wake you up?

Youriki Daisen: By slapping me on the face with a wooden spoon...

Inori Hakkai: That's not that bad

Youriki Daisen: A wet wooden spoon

Inori Hakkai: Okay, that's pretty bad

Samon Gokuu: There's more isn't there?

Youriki Daisen: Yep

Kiji Mitsuba: What else did those little hell spawns do?

Youriki Daisen: Pour hot sauce in my mouth. Pure fucking hot sauce. And probably like a whole 5 cap fulls of it

Samon Gokuu: How hot was it?

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