I have everything on my list except for Kaylee's medicine. I head for where they stored all the medicine. A lot of the antibiotics are already gone but no one bothered taking the anti-depressants and anxiety meds. I grab all the rest of them so I do not have to worry about anyone taking them. I look over at the counter and see some sleep medicine. Maybe if I gave Kaylee these then she will not scream in her sleep. I take them and stuff them in my bag. I look down at my list of items; food, more clothes, stuff for Kaylee (since she is at that age), and her medicine. I have everything I need. I step over the dead zombie at the entrance. As you might tell, me and Kaylee call the dead different things. When she was young, she thought the zombies were just sick people that were infected with a virus; which concluded in her calling them infected. I look up at the sky, and notice the sun already setting. Man, I am not getting home before dark. I walk just a tad bit faster so I am not getting home way past dark. As I am walking I hear a rustling up ahead of me. I get my revolver out and point out in the direction of the sound. The shape is that of a dog.
   "Rubble?" I ask. The dog barks. How strange. Why would Rubble...
   "Oh God." I bolt. Rubble runs ahead of me and barks. I run as fast as I could, which was pretty fast. As I run, the backpack begins falling off my back. I pull it up and in about twenty minutes I am back at the apartments. In what would have taken me an hour, I get there in twenty minutes. I skip steps on my way up to the seventh floor.
   "Kaylee!" I call. I search the rooms, but with no luck. Rubble barks behind me and so I turn around. He is at the bottom of the eighth floor stairs.
   "I had not cleared those floors. What was she thinking?" I quickly maneuver around the pile up; however, end up cutting a gash into my thigh. I make it to the top successfully and push the door open. Luckily I do not hear any zombies, yet. Rubble barks at one of the doors and I push the door open. When I first see her, she is against the wall and shaking slightly. The smell is horrific. I shake her slightly then hear Rubble growling. There is a slight dragging on the floor.
   "Oh now we are in trouble," I whisper. There is definitely more than one for the snarls of multiple zombies can be heard. I pull my gun out and anticipate pulling the trigger. The first zombie marchs in and right as I pull the trigger, Kaylee stands up. She stands in an awkward position as if she is being held up by some unseen force. Knives slide down from her sleeves. She walks out into the hall. She is as silent as a ninja. The terrifying part is I heard bodies dropping to the ground. Thump. Thump. Thump. Any one of those bodies could be Kaylee. I walk out into the hallway to discover bodies covering the ground. I listen for Kaylee; I hear her chuckle an evil laugh. I see her do a back flip and kill the last zombie. She is facing a window and the full moon shines through onto her pale skin and long black hair. I limp over to her and touch her shoulder. She turns around. There is blood splattered on her face and she has this creepy devils smile. Her eyes glow in the moonlight; however, it is not a normal glow. They are illuminating the hall slightly. She looks up at me and grins even more before her legs give out. She falls back and I catch her limp body. Her hair waves in the cool breeze. I pick her body up, and head for the stairs. It is harder to get down the stairs with my hurt leg, zombies in the way, and with Kaylee; although, she does not weigh that much. There is no way I can get past this again.
   "Rubble, lay," I command. He lays down and I prop Kaylee against him. I start moving stuff away from the stairs. This creates a lot of noise but I do not care; Kaylee has killed all the zombies. I have to get her medication along with wrapping my leg. I get all the way down to the big things; a refrigerator, dresser, and oven. Well, only one way to get this out of the way. I use all my strength and push the bigger things down the stairs. It all starts tipping over until finally it falls with a horrific boom.
   I pick Kaylee up and carry her to her room where I proceed to examine her hands. Before taking off the bandages, I can tell they were bad. I commence to unwrap her hands. She does not move the entire time until I grab the knives away from her. She screams and mumbles in tongues.
   "Kaylee," I cooed. She stops and looks in my direction without opening her eyes, which was creepy. She lays back down and I leave the room. What was going on with her? I hide my knives in my closet and wrap my leg. I walk back into Kaylee's room and see that she is sweaty. I brush some hair out of her face. My eyes grew wide. She is scorching hot. Did she get bite? I check her entire body, finding no bite. I put a cool rag on her forehead.
   She stays in this state for five days. Every morning at three in the morning, she would wake up screaming and speaking in tongues. After three minutes she would stop. I sit down next to her and hold her hand tightly until I finally got a reaction.
   "Kaylee? Kaylee, can you hear me?" I called. She sits up and opens her eyes. "Where am I?"

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