Soulmates- 恋爱❤️(1)

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Thank you for choosing to read my story!
Note that this is my very first book!
Sorry for any mistakes
Please read author's note at the bottom!

Some hearts for your day <3 <3 <3


The dull and ominous clouds thundered and showered on this grey afternoon. A flash of lightning striked down to the earth's crust.

The sound of the soothing rain made me relax. I shivered a little due to the cold and held onto my best friends, trying to avoid puddles on the floor that were constantly forming.

It had been raining the whole day. Today was one of the most rainy seasons of the year.

I was walking with my 2 besties — we just ended school and are exiting the school gates.

Pulling out my umbrella, the three of us squeezed to fit under an umbrella while crossing the road.

We were talking about our CCA activities (also known as club). We come from the same class and CCA, badminton.

I was the captain of the badminton team, while (friend name) was the vice captain. Making (other friend name) a member because she had recently transferred from Florida to our school.

Just right when we were talking about and joking around at how (other friend name) was being weird because she wanted to play with two badminton rackets, I suddenly got sucked into a blue circle looking portal thingy.

After my friends saw me disappear into thin air, they frantically called out my name and-

"That hurt."

The next thing that I knew was finding myself in a gym. Hmmm I'm pretty sure that the gym was always on the fifth floor, since when was it on the first floor? Am I that tired?

At that point of time, I couldn't think of anything. I just sat there facing the front, in a daze. Clearly I was unaware of a pretty greyish haired setter staring at me in shock because I came out of nowhere-

'(Ringtone)' starts playing
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and answered.
"(friend name)!"
"Umm you see I kinda- wait a damn minute. Just to clarify, our gym is on the.. fifth floor right?"
"Yeah? Why?"
"Y/n! We just walked down the stairs from the gym! You dumbass!"
"I'm not- ok fine sometimes I'm dumb. Anyways I'm not fine because I just got yeeted by a random portal?? I think? And now I have no idea where I am right now-"
"You should-"
"Should what? (Friend name)! wait-"

She hung up the phone, leaving me in ✨confusion✨
The only thing I could guess was that I was in a school, I mean I'm sitting in a school gym so that was my best guess.

I was too lazy to go and find the school gates to see which school I kinda "teleported" to?

I looked at myself, clearly I was still in my school uniform. Although I went to another place, the temperature felt colder from where I was originally at.

I reached out to pull my sleeves to cover my hands so that it will be warmer.

I wonder where I am..

I looked at my surroundings, and noticed a shocked Suga walking towards me, suddenly his expression changed to a calming sweet smile.
I could feel my heart beating as fast as it could, all it took was that one Suga smile to make my heart flutter.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"
"Sure Sugawara?"

He seemed surprised but he came forward to grab my hand and lead me outside the gym. Closing the door on our way out, we walked for a bit still holding hands, to a cherry blossom tree. My eyes sparkled as pink petals fluttered with the wind, it all seemed so surreal.

"I've never seen a cherry blossom tree before, it's so pretty."
"I'm glad that you like it."

He sat down, right below the tree. The pretty setter lifted his slender hands to brush his smooth sparkling greyish hair away from his face while tugging my hand as a gesture to sit down next to him.

I blushed a little and took a seat next to him.

"Hey, I'm Sugawara Kōshi. You can call me Suga."
"Hi I'm y/n l/n, you can call me y/n."
"Hey Y/n! I'm very curious, but can you tell me how you know my name?"
"Oh, umm you see you won't believe me when I'll tell you this,"
"It's ok, I'll definitely believe you."

I started to tell him everything, from how it was the end of the school day and I suddenly got sucked into my favourite anime. And that's why I know his name because he is my favourite character.

"Do you actually believe me? It's a lot to take in."
"Of course I believe you, though it's quite a bit to take in but I think that you would be the most overwhelmed person now. I know that this is sudden but I have to tell you this but you are my soulmate y/n."

Hey guys:)
Thanks for reading my very first book
Please continue to support me in my stories and make sure to comment down some ideas for my next Suga x reader story!
Hope that you enjoyed this 'soulmates' story!
Scroll down for part 2!


833 words

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