people?? | 十九

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"Y/n, you cant stay out here. you'll get sick." norman called out as he sat next to you. "hm." you sat watching the smoke coming out of your old home. "i brought you food and a blanket if you dont want to come in yet." norman started turning around and heading down the ladder once again.

"do you think you could stay? just for a bit. its weird out here alone." he stopped in his tracks and sat next to you wrapping an arm around your shoulder to keep you close.

"norman.." i grabbed the males arm and pulled him to the side, away from oliver and emma. "somethings off. i have a feeling something bad is gonna happen." i whispered making sure the other two didnt hear. "what do you mean?" he tilted his head slightly in confusion. "earlier, i saw a face in the shadows. i thought i was just seeing things after losing arson but its been bothering me. what if it was actually a person?"

norman opened his mouth to respond yet was immediately cut off when gilda ran into the room panting. "there you guys are!!" all of our head jolted towards the green haired girl. "dominic and alicia are missing?" "I FUCKING CALLED IT!"

"is anyone else gone??" i asked walking around checking on each individual kid. "shit, equipment is missing." i sighed. why didnt i do somethingwhen i saw that face?!

"do you think they went to look for arson??"

"i doubt it, lucas and yuugo said he was dead." i shook my head. "in any case, that means someone took them. everyone split up and search!!" i yelled. yuugo was staying to take care of lucas, he was also a backup incase the two came running back.

"Y/n where are you going?" norman asked seeing me slipping away from our group. "i think i hear something over here, you stay with the rest of them. ill be fine." he nodded in response and i spftly took steps around the forest ground avoiding anything i assumed would make noise.

hearing gunshots i ran towards the sound and stopped behind a tree seeing a man with his face half burnt off and a gun held to alicia's temple.

"there you are. ive finally found you cattle children. ALL OF YOU GET ON YOUR KNEES NOW." watching my fmaily toss their weapons into a pile and drop to their knees, i clenched my jaw. "everyone, ill erase you all. you're going to be slaughtered... ill kill all of you." seeing as i was pretty much next to him if the tree wasnt hiding my presence, i couldn't spot oliver and zack behind the other tree until the man shot at them.

'damn. if he could spot them, he might see me.' "EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU HAS PUSHED YOUR LUCK TOO DAMN FAR. YOUR STANDING IS THAT OF FEED! YOU ARE BEINGS SOLEY MEANT TO BE EATEN!!! YOU SHOULD BE ON YOUR KNEES WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU PIGS!" the man slammed him foot onto domonic's injury causing he to let out a blood curdling scream.

at that moment everyone, me included, grabbed their guns and pointed it at melt man. he went on and on about how arson was an idiot for sacrificing himself and with every word i felt my blood boil as if i was going to burst at any moment. finally, that moment came and i shot hit straight in the leg making his knees buckle and drop the the ground also dropping alicia.

"YOU DIRTY PIECE OF SHIT!! YOU WASTE OF FUCKING SPERM!! YOU THINK YOURE ALL THAT BECAUSE YOU HAD A GUN POINTED AT A LITTLE KID?? LOOK WHERE YA ARE NOW DICKWAD!!" i continued kicking in the mans face until norman and ray eventually pulled me away.

he groaned trying to push himself back up onto his feet. he was eventually successful though his victory wasnt long as he was devoured by one of those giant spider like demons. i picked up domonic and my gun, firing a couple of rounds at the beast while taking back off to our temporary shelter.

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