I entered into my cabin with a huge smile plastered on my face. Her red cheeks, shivering juicy lips, her beautifull nightfall like hair. I nearly lost my control in front of her.

Then I ordered Ms. Kumar, my receptionist to call Rakesh Mishra and Riya Kapoor to my cabin. Of course my angel is feeling bad for not having lunch with her friends. So its my duty to make my angel happy. Soon i heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in" i said in my cold tone. Then they both entered in my cabin. 

"Do you guys know why i called you both here?" i asked them while calculating their facial expression. They both looks scared and nervous. Seriously? Why everyone behaving like this? I am not going to eat them alive, right? 

"No sir. We don't know" they both said with a confused face. 

"Actually Aasha is accompanying me for a lunch meeting. So she felt bad that she can't have lunch with you guys like she promised before. So make it up to you three i booked a table in a hotel for this weekend" i said while working on my laptop. I looked up at them from my laptop. They both are looking at me like i am a ghost. What happened to them? 

"What happened to you both?" i asked them. I heard a knock on my door. 

"Come in" i said. Soon my Aasha entered with her purse and a file. She looked at Rakesh and Riya with frown. Then she turned to look at me. 

"Are you ready?" i asked her. 

"Yes sir" she said with a nod. 

"Okay you two can leave now" i said. Soon they both left the cabin. I got up from my seat and walked towards Aasha. She has a frown on her face. I stood infront of her. 

"Lets go?" i asked her. 

"Sure sir" she said. Soon we reached my private elavator. I pressed the ground floor button. Then i looked at Aasha. She is not looking at me but she very well know that i am looking at her. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. I kept looking at her intently. She is clutching that file tightly with one hand and her another hand is fisting her stole. 

I understood one thing very well about my Aasha today that whenever she is nervous, she will murder her soft fabric stole. Now she slowly looked at me with her corner eyes. When she saw that i am looking at her, she turned her face opposite to me. But i can see that she is biting her lucious lips. seriously? We are in a lift and she is biting her lips. I am in verge of losing my control. I turned my face to my front and a sigh left my lips.

Soon the elavator door opened with a ting. We both went outside of the building.  Daniel, my driver and my personal bodygaurd was waiting for me. He opened the car door once he saw me coming. I introduced him to my Aasha. In just twenty minutes we reached the hotel.

We met Veer Kurana and his PA. He is a old friend of mine. He is a married man. He wants me to invest in his company. We discused few details. Soon the lunch arrived. Looks like Aasha is not interested in the lunch. She is only playing with her fork. Soon the meeting came to an end after two hours. Veer kurana and his PA also left the place. Aasha also picked her purse and the files to leave. 

"Ms. Sharma, Where do you think you're going?" i asked her in a strict tone while sitting in my seat. She looked at me with a shock expression on her face. 

"The meeting got over. So i..i thought we are going to our office, sir" she said hesitantly. 

"We will go to our office. No hurry, Ms. Sharma. Now sit" i ordered her. She sat on her chair slowly. 

"Why you didn't have you're lunch?" i asked her with a frown. Because the food was really tasty and spicy. I really enjoyed the food. 

"I had my lunch, sir" she said, looking here and there.

 "You only had a two spoon of veg rice but finished a whole glass of water. You were only playing with your fork. You think i didn't noticed you?" i asked her, placing my elbow on the table. She looked at me with her wide eyes and gulped at me. But didn't said anything. I sighed at her.

"Answer me, Aasha" i asked her softly, looking straight into her eyes. 

"The food was very spicy" she said while biting her lips. Again she is doing the same, biting her lips. Its really a bad habit. She is doing this in front of me, its okay. I can control myself. But what if someone in my place. Just the thought itself is making me angry. I calmed myself. Okay! So my angel don't like spicy food. Its a news for me. I smiled at her.

"So you don't like spicy food?" i asked her. She shook her head in 'Yes'.

"Okay! So what do you like to have?" i asked her. 

"i am not hungry, sir" she said. 

"Enough Aasha. Just answer my question. If not then i will order the most spicy food in this hotel. Then you have to complete whole food" i threatened her. She gasped at me. 

"Red sauce pasta" she said imediately. Then i ordered two plates red sauce pasta. Soon the pasta arrived. The pasta was not spicy. Aasha also finished the pasta. Then soon we left the place. The journey was a silent one. At first i thought of stoping the car in any plant shop to buy some plants for Aasha. But its already late and Aasha also looks tired. So i planned it for next time. We reched our office building. Daniel opened the door for me. When we were reaching my private elavator, i saw Sameer standing there with a smirk on his face. 

"Wow i was wrong about you man. You are very fast" Sameer said, patting my shoulder while looking at Aasha. She looks at him with a frown. I turned to her 

"Aasha, you go to your cabin" i said to her. But instead of using the private elavator she walked towards the elavator which was used by my office staffs. 

"Aasha, use this elavator from now on" i said in my cold tone. I don't want other pervert male staffs to touch her intentionaly or unintentionally in the that staffs elavator. She nodded her head hesitantly. Then left in the private elevator.

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