Ch.12 The armor

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When the gang made it to the White Queen's castle, Alex was amazed by how large and white the castle was and the cherry blossom trees that surrounded it. And there on the porch, gathering the cherry blossom flowers that had fallen from the trees, was Lily. She looked just like her mother with her long white hair, pale skin, plum colored lips, white gown, and a white tiara.

"Your majesty!" Bella called as they entered with Alex and Maddie still on the bandersnatch. The bandersnatch stopped and Alex and Maddie got off as Bella transformed back to her human form.

"Hello Bella" Lily smiled "Maddie".

Maddie smiled as she bowed.

"Lily" Bella said "This is Alexander, son of Alice" she pointed to Alex.

"Your majesty" Alex bowed.

"Well" Lily smiled "It's an honor to finally you, and you've got the Vorpal sword!"

"Yeah" Alex nodded.

"Can I see it?" Lily asked as Alex handed her the sword. Lily ran her fingers against the blade, she then noticed the tear in Alex's shirt.

 "What happened to your shirt?" she asked.

"This beast did it" Alex pointed to the bandersnatch who laied on the ground "But he healed it".

 "Aw" Lily said as she petted the bandersnatch "He must of felt guilty".

"Also" Maddie said "Cari Pillar told us to come here cause you have the armor".

"Ah yes, I do have it" Lily said "Come along".

Everyone followed Lily into the castle.

"Mother" Lily said to the White queen who was on her throne "We have company, and Alexander is here".

The White queen and Lily did look alike, except that she was wearing a more fancier white gown and a white crown.

"Alexander?" the white queen said as she went up to Alex.

"The one and only son of Alice" Maddie said.

"Oh Alex" the queen smiled "It's great to finally have you here, and you've got the sword!"

"Mother" Lily said "Alex now needs the amour, can I have the keys?"

"Oh sure dear" the queen said as she gave Lily a small silver key. Maddie, Alex and Bella then followed Lily down a hall, they then reach a door and Lily used the key to unlock it. And there in the room, protected by glass, was the armor.

"This armor used to be worn by the White knight" Lily said "Our greatest warrior".

"Where is he now?" Alex asked.

"Now he's retired and he lives in Snud" Lily said "And he knows that you could be the next warrior".

Lily then opened the glass box.

"Want to try it on?" she asked Alex.

"I think he should try it on later" Maddie said "Cause we need to start training".

"What?" Alex said.

"Remember?" Maddie asked "We have to train you to battle the new Jabberwocky".

"Oh" Alex sighed "Right".

"Don't worry" Bella said "We wont hurt you, unless you hurt yourself".


(Pic of Lily)

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