Time Keepers vs Loki

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Loki and Slyvie were captured and brought to The Time Keepers who punished them for Crimes and Charges like Assault, Rebellion, Insubordination, Time Manipulation, Disregard For Authority and of course Challenging Memphisto's Company to which Slyvie said " Odin made it " and she was shocked by a guard and Slyvie was about to get killed when Slyvie broke free and Loki snapped a guards neck and with his Taser killed Two More Guards and using Magic became Hulk and Slyvie chose tk be She Hulk and Loki prunned Two Keepers and killed the Head Keeper himself.

Loki and Slyvie killed all the guards and Renslayer betrayed them and they knew her and Mobius M Mobius were sus and Loki Prunned the Facility and everyone was in Special Cells as there are Normal Jails, Medium Jails, Hard Jail and Prun Jails where they were in a World where there was a Monster.

Renslayer and Mobius M Mobius found their ways out and Loki meet other Lokis there was a Joker, Tough Black Guy, Viking Warrior Loki and Kid Loki who killed Thor Odinson on his world and they began wondering tho thier secret layer whereas Memphisto on the Other Hand began wandering around and with Kang The Conquerer saw He Who Remains who on last moment got up and slammed down Three Evil Kangs and killed four of them and five when he prunned himself with the fifth and he killed thr fifth with help from Viking Loki and changed his world and Kang The Conquerer became Kang The Presidente of Jamaican Republic as here Vikings Colonized Greenland by Settling in the Uninhabited Island and Canada as Native American People didn't live there much either whereas Celtics made Celtic Isles instead of European Union and United States Of America and Republic of Midwest (Illnois, Pensilvania, New York) and Maine became Canada too.

Vikings, Celtics, Natives and Mixed Races Of Peoples (Manx is Half Celtic Half Viking, Norman Half French Gaelic Half Dannish Viking, Icelandic Half Irish Half Norweigan Nordic and Greenish Half Apache and Half Swedish Vikings) whereas Romans began settling there too.

Hollywood came to Reality as well and Nordic And Celtic Gods were worshipped more than Native Gods as many peacefully converted to Heathenism and Druidism and some stayed Shamanism and all lived peacefully.

Outlaw Biker Gangs, Greaser Youth Gangs, Suit Mafia Gangs and Street Drug Gangs began too here and Roman Became Third Superpower.

Loki and Slyvie ruled Rome back than and did make peace saving lives as usual and Loki Variants came by and broke Free Prunned World and began a Mutiny against Memphisto and Renslayer and Time Keepers when Renslayer revealed herself to be Lady Deaths Escaped Soul and Thanos attacked except Thanos and Ebony Maw got killed by Viking Loki.

Memphisto and Renslayer with Loki and Slyvie and Mobius Began Fighting Memphisto. 

Loki and SlyvieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora