"I'm his godfather. I'm Harry's bloody godfather. And he watched me die, he was only our age." The group became quiet and gloomy.

"Harry's strong," Peter suddenly mumbled. "I would've never survived what he did."

"No wonder he was so sensitive about his scar," James thought aloud. "It must be awful having a reminder of me and Lilyflower's murder." There wasn't much they could say to that. The whole situation was bizarre and unbelievable, and yet, there was too much evidence to call it a prank. Their gazes went back to the wizard laughing with his friends. Or rather, his mother and a teacher who bullied and belittled him. How had a boy who went through so much keep such a pure heart? How can he accept they were different people so easily? The last question made Sirius's stomach churn.

"On a brighter note, I sure have a killer son! I mean, he cured lycanthropy, defeated the dark lord, and created a time turner capable of bringing him to us!" James exclaimed with pride.

"He certainly is something special," Remus said equally as proud. The group talked for a while, though Sirius was rather quiet. Soon enough, breakfast ended, and class was starting. Harry sat in his usual seat besides Sirius, trying to hide his nerves.

"Um, you ready for class?" Harry asked awkwardly. Sirius felt his breath hitch at the simple question. He hadn't talked to Harry today, unsure what to even say. Was he supposed to apologize for dying and abandoning him? Tell him he's there for him as his future godfather? To comfort him with his problems? To scream that he wasn't the same person and loved him? All he could do was nod slightly.

Yeah," he replied somewhat closed off. Then silence filled the air. Harry kept glancing in Sirius's direction, but the boy never met the gaze. Harry attempted to start some small talk, only to be shot down. Neither talked for the rest of the class. Remus wanted to face palm. He hoped that knowing the secret would bring them closer, but instead it pushed them apart. He really hoped it was just a bump and they'd mend it stronger. But it didn't seem like it. Harry was reaching his limits. He would try to start a conversation, the other's reply falling short. It was like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it. By the end of the day, Sirius was completely ignoring Harry, not even glancing his way. And it lasted over two days. By now, the other Marauders had grown to accept everything and reverted to normal. But Harry felt his heart clench when Sirius didn't even say hi to him as they passed in the hall. Trying to distract himself, Harry didn't return that night, instead researching for the next horcrux. That was the breaking point for James.

"Oi, Sirius." Sirius turned to see James with a scowl and crossed arms. "Stop it." Sirius tensed up and looked away.

"Stop what?" James took a step closer.

"Whatever you and Har are doing, stop it." Sirius's face burned red.

"I don't know what you mean..." he mumbled. James scoffed. He suddenly grabbed Sirius by the collar and pulled him face to face.

"Listen here, you are upsetting Harry. He looked miserable today, and we all know who's fault that is. Have you noticed that he hasn't returned yet?" Sirius looked away, ashamed. He had noticed. Seeing his friend's face, James sighed and let go.

"Pads, you are my best friend but you're being stupid." Sirius clenched his fist before exploding.

"James, aren't you angry at me?" James reared back at the sudden question.

"Why would I be? I mean I am because you're hurting Harry." Sirius shook his head.

"James, I like your bloody son!" James stared at Sirius before laughing carelessly. Sirius gave his friend an incredulous expression.

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