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   Everything happened so fast. 

One minute Codi was leaning across the table, and the next she was pinned to the floor, winded,  the back of her head throbbing, and an immense weight holding her legs down.

And Jeff's fingers wrapped around her throat.

  Her  neck was so thin that the ravenet's fingers overlapped each other, squeezing and crushing her windpipe, leaving her gasping for breath as her mouth hung open in terror.  The other cafeteria goers shrieked in joy, as if gaining  some type of twisted, fucked up amusement from the altercation. As quickly as it'd started, it was over. Jeff was being hauled off of her by two uniformed men, a handful of nurses and nuns gathered around her. The redhead rubbed her throat, gulping in lungfuls of stinging air as she watched the madman being pulled away, still staring at her with wild eyes. 

Wow. So that happens. A voice whispers. Lord knows how much I've wanted to do that, another adds. Pathetic! Couldn't even defend herself. No wonder they've yet to free her. She can barely lift a pencil; let alone fight off a famous murderer, One growls, before Codi starts smacking on the sides of her head, groaning and shrieking at them to shut up. But they don't. They whisper and prod at her brain, saying horrible things and downright nasty remarks, along the lines of telling her to die, and whatnot. As if her life wasn't hard enough.

  Upon noticing the redhead's fit, a nun gently helps her up, and her personal nurse, Miss Jones, takes out a needle filled with translucent liquid. Immediately, she yelps in fear, pulling away and struggling against the  strong grip of the nun. She watches with wide eyes as the needle pierces the skin on the inside of her wrist, and not a moment later she begins feeling dizzy, the harsh cafeteria lighting fading until everything was black.

  And then, all at once she was awake, jolting out of bed with sweat sticking her clothes  to her back. With a grimace she wrenched her eyes open, looking around the fairly boring room.  It wasn't her cell, that's for sure. Maybe she's in the infirmary? Hopefully not solitary; that'd really fucking suck. Sucking in a breath, the redhead cringed when her throat rasped uncomfortably, as if she had sandpaper shoved down her windpipe.


hey yall i just edited whats still up for shits n giggles!!!! this will definitely not be continuously updated, i just felt quirky 🚶‍♀️

(edited 3.25.22) 

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