Chapter 10: A horrible past

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~Still flashback~

Mikasa's POV

A few days have passed since the incident with Annie. Everything got settled. We informed Annie's dad, now she is with her dad. He was really thankful to us, especially me. Me and Annie became friends and I introduced her to Sasha and Connie. Hopefully she liked their company. The thing which still makes me uneasy is that the those morons escaped. The police failed to catch them. Levi assured me that everything is alright. He also told me about the Ackermans and who we really are. The Ackermans are special. They are stronger than a normal person and were made to protect the King of Ancient Eldia. The only problem is that there are very few of them left because they were hunted and sent to wars. Many of them died but some survived. The Ackermans became much smaller in number and now only few are left. I am glad and proud that I am one of them.

It was Sunday. I was siting on a chair which was near the window in my room. I had nothing to do and I was so bored. I thought that today I would go out with Sasha and Connie but I think I have no luck today. It's raining outside. I sighed and looked out of my window. All i could see was grayish black clouds and darkness surrounding the neighbourhood. The rain just won't stop, it's been pouring continuously from the past two hours. 

I stood up from my place and decided to go to the convenient store to buy some instant noodles. I am too lazy to make anything and neither Levi nor Uncle Kenny is at home. I wore a black hoodie with black sweatpants. I may look like emo but I like it. I quickly went downstairs and rushed to the door with my wallet. I took an umbrella and stormed out of my house. 

'Finally freedom!! yay!! no more staying in the house!!' I thought while humming a song.

I was walking peacefully when I felt someone's presence behind me. I thought it was just my imagination but my gut feeling says that someone was really following me. It's just my imagination, right? 

I hurried my pace and suddenly turned to see who was following me. My eyes soon widened as I saw those two dirty rags from that incident. Before I could run or do anything the tall one grabbed my arm and dragged me to narrow dirty alley. I tired to hit him but the fat one pulled out a knife and pointed it to my neck. 

I stiffened as he grinned devilishly. The tall one pinned one of my wrist to the wall and grinned. I swear I wanted to cut them so badly. 

"Hey john let's teach this girl a lesson." The fat man said as he tore my hoodie with with is knife. I was now only in my innerwear. I cried and tried to hit them but my efforts were useless. The tall man slapped me on the cheek. His slap was so hard that I could feel blood in my mouth. The fat Man walked towards me with his dirty grin. He squeezed one of my breast and I cried even harder. The tall man put a hand on my mouth. I wasn't able to think. I didn't knew what to do. Then suddenly I bite the man's hand and he quickly backed up realising me and hissing in pain. I knew I wasn't in the condition to fight. I was feeling disgusted. I yelled on top of mu lungs.


The fatty man looked at me with anger. He held his knife tighter and bolted towards me. I closed my eyes and waited for the knife to hit me but it never did. I opened my eyes to see who protected me. I saw Annie pointing the same knife at the fat man. I was shocked and couldn't even move. I then heard some sirens and footsteps. I was too weak after what happened so I blacked out.



I slowly opened my eyes. Who is calling me?? where am I?? How's Annie?? What happened to them??

I shook those thoughts off my mind and saw someone towering me. I squinted my eyes to take a better look. It was Levi. I wan in my room on my bed.

As soon as I saw him I engulfed him in a tight hug. It felt like home, it was so comfortable. He hugged me back and I cried like a small child. He whispered some reassuring words in my ear and drew circles on my back as I cried hugging him even tighter.

Soon we broke our embrace and I asked him about everything. He told me that Annie saved me because she was passing by and the police was on patrolling. They caught those two and they are now in jail. Uncle Kenny was too angry about what happened and he cursed himself for no reason. He dropped Annie home and went to buy some food. I wasn't feeling good. I was nearly r***d. 

From that, Levi and Uncle Kenny became protective to me. They would broke anyone's neck if they dared to touch me. 

Things changed and I learnt Martial arts from Levi. Now, I can myself break someone.

~Flashback ends~

I stood up from my bed and slowly opened my door. I wiped my tears and went downstairs to confront Levi. 

He was sitting on the couch. I went to him and sat beside him. 

"What happened? why are you hare instead of school? why are you crying?" He asked his gaze fixed on the floor.

"I just got emotional. I heard some students talking about their parents. How much they were happy with them. They asked me too and I wasn't able to take it. I came home and ended up crying." I lied holding up my knees to my chest.

He sighed and looked up to me. He stated patting my head and gave me a glass of water.

"Mika, you should avoid these things. you need to change. I don't like seeing my sister cry" He said frowning. He believed 

"I won't cry now." I said flashing him a smile. patted my head and stood up.

"Don't cry. I will make something delicious for you." He said walking towards the kitchen.

"Ok. I will just go to my bedroom." I said and headed upstairs.

As soon as I in my room, I closed the door and fell on my bed again. I just lay there and slowly drifted to sleep.


*breathes* Now let me explain the situation. The updates are gonna be slow for some days as I have too much homework and exams are coming. so sorry for grammatical errors. I wish you a good day.


A love so beautiful (Eremika fanfic) *ON HOLD*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora