'I Love You Always Nini'

-Your Lili

Jennie place the frame back on the table after kissing Lisa's face and turned off the lamp. She let darkness consume her with tears still streaming.


"What's your dream Nini?" Lisa asked as she sway herself on the swing. Lisa and Jennie decided to spend their free time before another fortnight of training. It's been a year since Jennie met Lisa, and they've gotten close to each other. Actually the five of them are close to each other. Jennie looked at the swaying Lisa before looking at the sky and remembering everything. "Why did you audition?" Lisa added.

"I really don't know at first, to be honest." She answered and notice Lisa stopped swaying and focus her attention to her. "My mom and I use to travel a lot when I was a kid. When I was 10, we went to Australia and then later on went to New Zealand and then she asked me how do I find the place, and I answered it was cool and nice and I actually wanted to live there. So my mom sent me to a boarding school, living alone in New Zealand at the age of 10." Jennie smiled remembering her time in that country, she' exploring everything, learning everything, making decisions on her own. She heard Lisa mumbled a wow and she chuckled. The look on Lisa eyes tell how amuse she is with her story.

"When I turned 15, mom wanted to send me to another school. And then we traveled again in US looking for a good law school. She wanted me to become a lawyer. It's like 80% was settled, the school, the house I'll be living in but when I came back to New Zealand I asked myself 'Do I really want to become a lawyer?' I kept asking myself over and over until one night I called my mom and I was like 'Mom I want to go back to Korea.' My mom sound so surprise but tell me to go on and that's when I told her I wanted to become a singer. I don't know why but I just want performing and singing. It makes me alive." Lisa listened to her friend not leaving her eyes as Jennie recall every single thing of her past and can't help but feel amaze on how brave Jennie is, living alone and pursuing her dream. And so she smile, and can't help but to admire her crush. Yes, Lisa has always been crushing Jennie since she joined YG. And later on she realize that she just doesn't crush her, she love her. But was too afraid to let her know. Afraid that she will lose her friend.

"How about you? What's your dream?" Lisa blushed as Jennie looked at her with those eyes and smile. Those two never fail to put a pink tint on her cheeks whenever Jennie is around. And so Lisa looked away, focusing her eyes on her foot. The blush never escape from Jennie's gaze, and she found the Thai girl adorable whenever she looked like a tomato.

"I wanted to become a Kpop artist." Lisa answered straight forward. It was clear what her dream is once she turned 12. And no one doubted her since Lisa is very talented and positive as always. It was always clear in her mind what her want is.

"Why?" Jennie asked. She wondered why a girl like will leave her parents alone, move to another country to become a Kpop artist.

Lisa looked at one of the billboards across the road. A photo of one of the famous group in Korea. "I love dancing and performing too. It makes me happy in ways that others can't explain. And Korea really invest in talents, finding talented people and help them improve more. I wanted it. I wanted to improve, show other people my talent. And so when YG held an audition in Thailand, I never think twice and just sign in. Because if I will not do it, I may regret it in the future. And luckily, I got in." It's always hard for Lisa leaving her homeland. She never once lived alone, let living alone away from her parents. But somehow, being friends with Jennie, Jisoo, Irene and Seulgi reminds her that she is not alone in this whole new world.

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